Pilgrim, Temple

BEit enacted by the Legislature of lhe State of Orissa in the Fifty-fourlh
Year of Ihe Republic of India, as follows :-
Short lilie and 3. (1) This Act may be called Shri Jagannath Temple (Amendment)
Acl. 2003.
(2) It shall come into force at once.
Amendmenl of 2. In section 6 of Shri Jagannath Temple Act, 1954 (hereinafter referred to Or~ssa~cl
1101 1955.
as the principal Act), in sub-section (I),-
(a) inthe opening porlion, for the word “twelve” the word “fourteen” shall
be subsliluted ;
(b) after clause (c) the following clauses shall be inserted. namely :-
“(c-I) Ihe Superinlendent of Police, Puri. ex officio member ;
(c-2) the Superintending Archaeologist, Archaeological Survey of
India, Bhubaneswar Circle. Bhubaneswar, ex officio member ;
(c) afler clause (h) Ihe following proviso shall be inserted, namely :-
” Provided that the Stale Government shall norninale persons for
Ihe categories referred to in clauses (d). (e) and (g) out of a panel
of names prepared by the Adminislralor for each such caiegory
which shall consist of names iwice Ihe number of members
required lo be nominated under Ih’e respective clause.”.
Amendmenl ol 3. In section 10 of the principal Act, in clause (f) of sub-seclion (I).the
sec”on lo- words “more than” shall be ornilted.
Amendmenlol 4, fn section 15-B of the principal Act, in sub-section (I),after the words
‘-the Administrator may”, the comma and words. “either on his own rnolion or”
shall be inserled.
of section 16.
Amendment 5. In section 16 of the principal Act, afler sub-section-(2), Ihe roilawing
sec’iOn 15-‘.
“(3) Any iransfer of immovable properly recorded in the name of Lord
Jagannath of Puri by any person including any institution being the Madatdar
of such property shall be absolutely null and void and of no force or effecl
whatsoever, unless IheAdministralor or any pfficer authorised by him inwriting
in lhis behall, execute the deed of such transfer as oneof the exccutanl,
sub-sections shall be inserled, namely :-
‘For rhe Bill. see Orissa Gazelle. Exlraordinary, dated the 121h March ,2003 (No.304),Amendrnenl
of seclion
of seclion 21.
ol seclion 22.
of seclion 23.
of seclion 27.
ol section
(4) Notwithstanbiny anything conlained in the Regislration Acl, 1908 1
no deed or lransfer of any immovable properly executed in contravenlion of
the provisions of sub-section (3)above shall 5e accepted for regislration.”.

  1. In section 16-A of Ihe principal Act, in sub-seclion (1),-
    (i)Tor the word and figure “Act, 1954″-the word and figure ”Act,
    1972″ shall be subsliluted ; and
    (iiJ in the marginlosub-section(1),for Ihewards and Lgures “Orisss
    Act 15 of 1954″, the words and figures “Orissa Act G of 1972
    shall be suhsliluted.
  2. In section 21 of the principal Acl, in sub-seclion (2). after clause (i) and
    before the proviso Ihe following clause shall be inserted, namely :-
    “0) to issue inslruclions or directions, from time to time, for controlling
    Ihe activilies, conduct and management of all inslitutions including Mukli
    Mandap and Pandil Sabha functioning within the premises of the temple.”.
    8.In section 22 of Ihe principal Act, after Ihe words “in cases of emergency’
    appearing inopening portion, the words “or in cases of unforeseen circumslances”
    shall be inserted.
  3. In section 23 of the principal Act, In sub-seclion (4),for Ihe words “two
    hundred rupees”, lhewords “lhree thousand rupees” shall be subslituled.
  4. In sec(ion 27 of Ihe principal Act, in sub-section (1), the words”and fix
    his remuneration which shall be paid to such audilor from the runds thereof’ shall
    beomitted and after the words “his report”and before the words “to Ihe Cornmiltee”,
    the words “to the Administrator and il shall be Ihe duly of the Adminislralor to
    submit the audit report” shall be inserled.
  5. In section 28-C of the principal Act in sub-section (51,-
    (4 “clause'(a)”including the word “and” shall be ornilled ; and
    (ii) in clause (b), for Ihe word “five”, Ihe word “ten” shall be
  6. In section 30-A of Ihe principal Act,-
    {a) in sub-seclion (1), for Ihe words “five hundred rupees”, Ihe words
    “five lhousand rupees” shall be substituted;
    (b) in sub-sectio~;(2), for the words “two hundred rupees”, Ihe words
    “lwo (housandrupees” shall be subs(ituted ;
    (c) in sub-section (31, lor the words “one hundred rupees”, Ihe words
    “one thousand rupees” shall be substituted :
    (d) in sub-seclion (4), for the words “fifty rupees”, the wards “one
    thousand rupees” shall be subslituled ;and
    (e) ,in sub-section (5), for the woids “fifly rupees”. the words “one
    Ihousand rupees” shall be subslituted.

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