Beer, To Bottle, Denaturant, Excisable Article, Excise Duty, Export, Import,
Intoxicant, Liquor, Manufacture, Pachwai, Place, Sale, Transport

This AeL ma;, be called the Andhra
‘” ‘Om- Pradesh Exelse (~mendment)Act, 1909.
(2) (a) section 6 shall be deemed,.to
have come into force on the 1st December,
(b].sections 17 and -18 shall be
deemed to have come into force on the 1st
January, 1987; and
(c) the-remaining provisions shall
be deemed to have come into force on the16th
September, 1988,
Amcndnent 2. ‘1n the Andhra pradesh Excise Act, 196B
Of sect(Pn (hereinafter referred ta as the principal Act) ;
Or 196Sn includes, to move from a place outside the
State to any other place outside it through
the intervening acea lying vrithin the State”
shall be added at the end.
Act l7 i, section 2, to clau5e (331, the,words “and

  1. For section 5 of the principal Act, the
    t,Dn of
    sc~tlonlor followinq section shall be substituted, namely:-
    section 5.
    mAppcintmcnt 5. (11 The Government may appoint
    of ecrtsln an Additional Cummissloner of
    offlCPPSExcise, ~irectorof Distilleries and
    sttrf. Breweries. as many Deputy Corn-
    mlssianers o Excise, . Assistant
    Commissioners of Excise and such other officers
    as they think fit for the purpose of perform-.
    ing the iunctions respec,tively cotilerred on
    them by or under this Act.
    (21 The Government may sanction the,
    appointment of a,s many Excise Superin,tendents,
    Assistant, Exel=- 5uperintendents and otherSubordinate Staff as they think fit for the
    purpose of performing the functions respee-
    tlvely conferred on them by or under this Act.,
    (3) The appointment to the .posts $an-
    cdoned in sub-seetion (Z), shall be ‘made b,y
    such authority as may be.prescribed. ‘
    (4) All such offlcefs shall perform the
    said functions within such area. or areas or
    in,the whole of the State as the-Government
    or the Commissioner may assigri to them.”.
  2. Sections 6 and 7 of the principal Act oaisslan of
    rnd 7.
    section’s 6
    sha~be omitted.
  3. In section 11 of the principal Act, for Abcndmcnt
    sub-sectl~n (I), the IwLlowing sub-section ifsectfon substituted, namely:- 11.
    “(1) The Governmerit may; by noti’fica-
    Uon, prohibit or’regulate the -transportof an
    intoxicant or any kind of intoxicants from
    any area into any other area within the
    State or .ftom any place outside the State to
    any other place outside it through the inter-
    vening area’ lying within the State, ‘except
    -under..a permit issued under section 12.”.
  • . 6. In section 12 of the prlndpal Act, for Rmendaknt.
    sub-section (1). the following sub-sectlon. of set ti^^
    shall be substituted, namely:-
    “(1) Any offlcer not below the rank OF
    an Assistant Excise Superintdndent authorised
    by the Commissioner may lssue a permit for
    thi transport of.intoxicants. “.
    of scctlon
    -7. In .section 24, Of the principal Act, sub- ~mendmcnt
    section (3) shell be omitted.,Amendment.
    of iectlon
    , 8. In seetion 26 of the principal ~ct,the-
    words ”which shall not exceed the duty paya-
    ble therefor, under this Act” shaU be omitted.
    ‘ 9. In section 27 or the prinelpal Act,
    (a) the words “belqnglnq to the Govern-
    ment” shall be omitted;
    (b) in the marginal -heading, the word
    “Government” shall he omitted.

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