Abolition of Inams

ACT No. I6 OF 1986
An Act further to amend the Andhra Pradesh (TeIan-
gam Aren) Abolition of Iizarns Act, 1955.
Be it enacted bj the LegisIativz Assem31y of thc
State of Andhra Pradesh in thc Thirty Seventh Year
of the Republic of India as follows :

  1. This Act may be called the AndJua Pradesh sb,
    (Telan na Area) Abolition of Inam (Amcndrnent)
    Act, 1ija86.
  2. In the Andhra Pradesh (Tclangana Ar~a)Amendment
    Abolition of hams Act, 1955, in s~cion4, sub- ~ct of mtimvm ut.I
    section (4) shall be and shaU be deemed a!ways to 195s.
    havc been omitted.
  3. Rtreivcd rhc assrat ofthc Prcsid nt on the 25th J me. 4 #56. For Sta.srn.nt of Objects nnd Raso ~i.alcasr -wc h: Andtra Prarleslr GJ:~I~ :, Pir, XV–.%,
  4. Extr;iprdinp~j,dated the 78th Fcbruuy, 1986, at pgc2,
  7. 1994.
  8. ACT No. 19 OF.1994*.
  11. ACT, 1955.
  12. BE it eancted by he Legislative
  13. Assembly of the State of Andhra Pradesh in
  14. tho Forty-fourth Year of the Republic of

India, as follows:-

  1. (1) This Act may be called the Short title
    Andbra Pradesh (Telangana Area) Abolitj.on and
    of Inams (Amendment) Act, 1994.
    (2) It shall be deemed to have come
    into force on the 26th December, 1985.
    *Received the assent of the Governor on the 12th
    May,. 1994. For Statement of objects and Reasons,
    Please see Andhra Pradesh Gazette, Part IV-A, Extra-
    ordinary. dated the i2th May, 1994 at Page 3.
  2. In theAndma ~radesh[Telangana Areel
    4, Abolition of In-
    Act, ‘ 1955 tt sub-sectizn
    &ct]$Om (11 of section 4. the folabcring provisos
    d 1955. shall be add&, namely:-
    ePrqvided that where inams ere held by
    or. for the Wnefit of _charitable an6

entitledA50–G—F&isier&, as an occupant
under sections 5. 6, 7 and 8 and the inatitu-
tion alone shall be entitle to be regis-
tered as an occupant of all inm lands
other than those specified &a clauses (a)
and (c) -shave without restriction of
extent to four and hzlf times the family
holding and without the condition of
prsonal cultivation:
Provided further that where any person
other than the cancer_r~edcharitable or
religious institution has been registered
as an occupant under sections 5,6, 7 and 8
after the commencement of the. Andhra
Pradesh (Telangana Areal Abolition of
B& 29 of Inaras (Amendment) Act, 1985 such registrc-

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