Land, Rent, Tenant, Landlord, Tenancy, Estate, Land Revenue, Rate of cesses,
Village cess, Jagirdar, Agricultural, Improvement

in section 1 8 ofthe principal Act, –
(i) in sub-section (11, after clause(e), the followingshal1
be deemed always to have been added, namely:-
“(f) to any agricultural land belonging to or given or
endowed for the purpose ofany charitable or Hindu religious
institutions or endowment as defined by the provisions of
the Andhra Pradesh charitable and Hitidu Rcligious
Institutions and Endowments Act.”
(ii) sub-section (2) shall be omittcd.
icpcal of 4, The Andhra Pradesh Tenancy Laws (Amendment)
hdinanee8 of Ordinance, 2002 ishereby repealed.
Secrerary io Gover~~menr,
Legislative AJlairs &Justice (FACJ,
Section 82 of he Andhra Pradcsl~Charitable and Hindu
ReligiousInstitutions and ~ndowmentsAct, 1987 dcals wit11
the cancellation of leases of lands lwld by a person idlo is
not a landlesspersoll. When this scction has been challenged
in, [he High Coun, thc same was set asidc. Subsequently,
the supreme Courl inCiviI Appcal Nos. 36394-3748 of 1996
in its Judgment dalcd 29-8-200 1 (2001 (4) DT(SC) (406)
I~eldthat the object of thc cancellation of the land under
secLion 82 of thc said Act is not to dcprive any one of his
whether all provisions of the Tenancy Acts should bc
exempted in its application to the Charitablc, or reli,'”lous
institutionsor cndoivments in its en~ircty.Governmenthave
carefully cxarnined the mailer and considerkd that ii is
necessary that the lands bclongingto tile religious institutions
and endowments should be exempted froin the purview of
the Tenancy Acts, so as to enablc thc cxccutive autlloritie;
to lease out the lands fur securing better rents.
To achieve the above objects in view, (he Government
have decided to anlend theAndhra Pradesh (TelanganaArea)
Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Act, 1950and the Andhra
Pradesh (Andhra Area) Tenancy Act, 1 956,suitably.
As the ~e~islative ~ssembl~of the State was not then in
scssion having been prorogued, and it hasbeen decided to
give effectto the above decisions immediately, the Andhra
Pradesh Tenancy Laws (Amendment)ordinance, 2002 was
promulgated by thc ~o~krnor on the 24th August, 2002.
This Bill seeks to replace the said Ordinance.

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