Abet, Act, Affidavit, Barrister, Bengal Act, Chapter, Collector,
Commencement, Consular Officer, District Judge, Document, Enactment,
Financial Year, Good Faith, Immovable Property, Imprisonment, Magistrate,
Master, Movable Property, Oath, Offence, Part, Public Nuisance, Scheduled
District, Ship, Sign, Son, Sub-section, Swear, Vessel, West Bengal Act, Will,
Expressions Referring to Writing

Sbnr!,titlc. 1. ThisAclm;iy becallcd [heBengal General ClhsesAct, 1899.

  1. (Repetri of BetrgnlAar VoJl867.)-Rup. by s. 4 orid lie Tltird
    Scfi. of llte Arrretrditrg ACI, I903 (1of 1903).
    General Definilions.
    Dcfinitiuns. 3. In this Act, and in all Bengal Acrs made after the commen-
    cemenr of ~hjs’Act ‘[and in all Wes~Bengal Acts] unless [here is
    anything repugnant in [hesubjecl ur context,–

Acl XLV of
1 X60,
(I) “abet”with its grammatical variations and cognate expres-
sions,shall have the same me;lningas in [he Indian Penal
(2IJ “act” used wiih reference ro an offence or a civil wrong,
shall includea series of acts ;and words which refer to acrs
done shall extcnd alsv In illegal omissions ;
“Arfidavi 1.” 3 “affidavit” shall include affirmarion and declaration in [he
case of persons by law allowed to affirm or declare instead
ofswearing ;
“Harris~cr.” (4) “barrister” shall mean a barrister OFEnglandor Ireland, nr
a member nt’ the Facully of Advocates in Scotland ;
‘Some 01thc dcfinitions in hissection ;~pplyalso to ‘dc~igalAc~sm~dcbctwccn
Ihc ISLJunc,1867.;lndrl~ccommcnccmcn~oi~hcprcscnr Act-scea.4. ForIwu furrhcr
dcfinitions applying lo such Acts. .FEE srctiun 5.
‘Thcsc words wcrc inscncdby p;\r:igr~ph(I)or Aniclc 3 or, and the Schcdulc to.
tlic Indian Indcpcndcncc (Adaptatiun of Bcngal and Punjab Acts) Ordcr. 1948.
‘SCFAcl XLV OF 1860. scctiuns 107, 103 and 108A. inVol, 111, Pr. IV.Pagc 3 or
Lhc lndi:~Cadc,
‘CJ scction 33 01tllc IndimPcnal Codc (Act SLV uf ISGO) in lhc IndiaCodc.
‘CJ thc dclini~iumof’-oath” and “swcri’ inCI;IUSCF (29)and (44).
For!lic Inw relaringrnjudicinl onths. illhrrnations anddcclararions. .tee thc lndian
Oarhs Act. 1873 (XnF 1873). in the Indie Codc.
hAsto ;tlhdavi~sto bc usedberorcCivilCouns, ser also scclian 139 olnnd mlcs
Ito 3 in Order XIX inScli. I ro thc CoJcofCivil Procedure (AclIzof 1908) in{tic
As rn nlhd~vi~slo hc uscd befurc a High Court in Criminal marrcrs. see also
scctinn 539 ant1 rcction 53qA 01thc Codc of Crimin,>lProccdurc, 18911 (Act V of
189X),in thc lndia Codc.
Cl~usc(5) was omitted by para. 3 and Sch. IV ro rhr Govcrnrncnl of India
(Adaptarion of lndian Larvs) Ordcr. 1937.24 & 75
Vict.. c. 67.
‘ 55 & 56
Vic~..c. 1.1..’
The Bclrgal Goi~mlClutrsesAn, IS9Y.
(6)’ “Bengal Act” shall mean an ACLmade by the Lieutenant-
GovernorofBengal in Councilunder2[theIndianCouncils
ACL,1861 ,or] he ‘Indian Councils Acts, 1861 and 1892
‘[or the Indian Councils Acu, 1861, 1891 and 1909, or
made by he Governor in Councilof Fort Williamin Bengal
under che .’Indian Council Acts, 1861, 1892 and 19091′[or
the Government of India Act, 1915, or by the Local
Lcgislalure or the Governor of Bengal under the Govern-
ment oFIndiaAct, or by the”Provincia1 Legislature)or[he
Governor of Bengal under the Government of India Act,
(7) “Chap~cr”shall mean a Chapter OF the Act in which the
word occurs ;
(8) “Collec~or”shallmean,in Calcu~ta,thecoll~torof Cdcutta.
and elsewhere [he chief officer in charge of the revenue
administration of a district ;
(9)’ “commencement”, used with rererence LO an Act, shall
mean the day on which [heAct comes into force ;
(10) “Commissioner” shall mcan the chicf officer in charge of
[herevenue administration of a division ;
(I I)” “Consular officer” shall include consul-general, consul,
vicc-consul, consular agent, pro-consuland any person for
‘Asimilardcfinilion isgivcn inclausc (J)ofscciion 3 of[ticGcncral Clauscs Act.
1897 (X of IR97).prinicd iitl~cIndia Codc. Thc dcfiniiion was inscncd inordcr lo
inlroducc a uniform mc~liodoici~ingAc~sof [lit Hcngal Council and lo suggcsr Ihc
abandonmcn! OF ihc various oihcr rncil~odslorrncrly adoprcd, c. g, “Acr (H.C.) of
1869.”-‘Acr 1 or 1869 passcdby rhc Liculenant Governor or Hcngal inCouncil”. Thc
mcrhod of ciiaiion mosr commonly ndoprcd was “Acl ItH.C.1 of 1869.” bui rhc
abhrcviarion of “(H.C.)” is peculiarly in~ppropnalc,inasmuch as il would srand
cqunlly wcll lor Acts or 111cBombay or Burma Council, and is ihc rccogniscd
abbrcvi;ition for “Berurc Christ.”.
‘Tl~cscwords ind figures wcrc in~crlcdby s. 3 and il~cSccond Sch, of thc
Amcnding Act. 19U3 (1 of 1903).
rhcsc~ctshnvebeenrcpenlcdbylhc~uvernrncnrol~ndia~cr. I9I5(5&6Gco.

  1. c. 61). s. 130 and thc Founh Schcdulc.
    rhcscwords and figures wcrc addcd by rhc Rcngal Laws Acl. 19 1.1 (Ecn. Acr I
    or 1914).
    qhcscwordsand rigurcs wcrc inscrrcdbypara. 3 andScli. IV iorhc Govcromcnr
    of India (Adapl?lion ofIndian Laws)Ordcr. 1937.
    ‘This cxprcssion shalls~andunmoditicd. Ifirlc para. 3 and IhcElcr~cnlhSch ofrhc
    Adapraiion olLawsOrdcr. 1950.
    ‘AS lo ivhcn an Act corncs inlo forcc, sce sccrion 6.
    ‘For a similar dcfiniiion, see thc Consular 5al;trics and FCCSAct. IS91 (54 Br 55
    vier., E. 36) scclion 3.
    [Ben. Act I
    Ihe time being authorised to perform the dulies of consul- . .. . .
    general, consul, vice-consul or consular agent ;
    . ..
    (12) “DistrictJudge” shall mean the Judge ofa principal Civil
    Court of original jurisdiction, but shall not include a High
    Court in the excrcjse of its ordifiary or extraordinary
    original civil jurisdiclion ;
    (13)’ “document”shall inclirde anymatter wri tten?,expressed or
    described upon any substance by means of lerlers, figures
    or marks or by more than onc of those means, which is
    intended to be used or which may beused, for the purpose
    of recording that matter ;
    (14) “enuctrnenr” shall include a Regulation (as hereinafter’
    defined) and any regularion of the Bengal Code, and shall
    also include any provision contained in any Act or in any
    such Regulation as aforesaid :

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