Beneficiary, Benefit, Board, Commissioner, Enrolment, Mutwalli, Net
Available Income, Person Interested in a Wakf, Stranger to a Wakf, Wakf,
Wakf-al-al-aulad, Wakf Deed

I. Shan title, exlenl and cornmencemenl.

  1. Preliminary survey of wakf property.
  2. Applicarion.
  3. Powcr to exclude ~vakfsfrom [he operalion or lhis ACI.
  4. Exemp~ionof certain wa!d properties.
  5. Definitions.
    Cwstitution of Board and Appointment of Commissioner.
    Tlze Board of IVaKfs.
  6. Establishment of Board of Wakfs.
  7. Conslilulion or he Board.
  8. Members of rhc Board to be Muslims.
    LO. Tcrm of office.
  9. Appoinlmcnls and eleclions ro be norificd in the Oficial Gu~errc.
  10. Removal of mcmbers.
  11. Rcsignalion ofmembers.
  12. Casual vacancies.
  13. President of meelings of the Board.
  14. Appoin~mcnlof the Commissioner.
    16A.,Appoinlmcnr of Depuly Commissioner.
    I dB. Delegation of powers, etc., by thc Commissioncr lo the Deputy Commissioner.
  15. The Cornmissioncrto be a whole-~imcofficer.
  16. Remuneration ofCommissioner and Dcpu~yCommissioner.
  17. Lcavc of absence or dcpu~ationof rhc Cornmissioncr.
  18. Acting Commissioner.
    2 I. Removal of thc Cornmissioncr.
  19. Cornmissioncr lo be a corporalion sole.
    ’73. Strcngth and remuncra~ionof s~aff.
  20. Powers of appoinrment, elc.,vcsred in ~hcCom~nissioner.
  21. OFficc of lhc C~nin~issioncr and [he Bod.
    76 Tr~vrllinw~llntv3nr~The Be~rgul\,’akf Act, 1933.
    Functions ofthe Commissionerand the Board.
    [Ben. Act XI11
    I-…-. –



  1. Gencral powers and dulies.
  2. The Commissioncr and the Board 10carry oul purposes ofwakrs but may revise inopcralive ,
    ! -… .
  3. Conrmissioncr lo perform ccrlain fu nclions authnriacd by [he Board.
  4. Exercise of powers rbrough Commissioners of Divisians and Collecrors.
    3 1. Power of Commissioner lq consul1 [he Board.
  5. Applicarion For inquiry or audit or accounts.
  6. Power to summonwilnesses and cornpcl [he producrion or documenrs.
  7. Proteclion or Wakfs-al-al-aulad if mismanaged.
    35, Information requircd by the Board.
  8. Bw lo requisition of infomarion or documenls from a slrangcr ro [he wakl.
  9. Power of mu~wallilo apply for directions.
  10. Crcation of reservc run&
  11. Powerto pay ducs in case of deiaul~by rnu~~valli.
  12. Power to appoint a mutwalli in ccrtain cases.
    4 1. Appointment of official mutwalli.
  13. Inspection of records and gram of copies.
  14. Extension of lime for pcrfomance of act.
    43A. Application of secrion 36 of Act XVIIIof 1879 to lours in office of hc Commissioner.
    Enrolment of Wakfs.
  15. Enrolment of wakfs.
  16. Register of wakfs.
  17. Power lo cause enrrolmenl of wakf and to amcnd rcgisrer.
    46A. Decision if a property is wakf propefly or a wakf is Wakf-al-al-aulad.
  18. No~ificationof changes in enrollcd wakfs.
    Waki Accounts.
  19. Submissionoiaccounrs of wakfs.
  20. Audil of accounb ofwakfs.
  21. Commissior~crlo pass orders on auditor’s reporl.
    5 1. Sums cenified duc rccoverable as public demands.

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