Rent Control, Estates, Inam Commissioner

The Bombay Rent-Free Estates Act, 1852
(13th February 1852)
Repealed in part by Act 16 of 1875;
,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 10 of 1876;
,, ,, ,, ,, ,, 4 of 1894
Adapted and modified by the Adaptation of Indian Laws Order in Council.
An Act for the Adjudication of Titles to Certain Estates claimed to be wholly or partially Rent-
free in the Presidency of Bombay.
Whereas in the territories of the Dekkan, Khandesh and Southern Maratha
Country, and in other districts more recently annexed to the Bombay Presidency, claims against
Government on account of imams and other estates wholly or partially exempt from payment of
land-revenue are excepted from the cognizance of the ordinary Civil Courts;
and whereas it is desirable that the said claims should be tried and determined without
further delay;
It is declared and enacted as follows:–

  1. [Rules not applicable to certain districts.]
  2. The Provincial Government may appoint in any zila or other division
    of territories subject to the Presidency of Bombay, which were not
    brought under general Regulations of Government by Regulation XXVIII
    of 1827 an Inam Commissioner with so many Assistants, and such
    subordinate establishment, as may be necessary for the purposes
    hereinafter mentioned.
  3. In the adjudication of claims to exempt lands or interests therein, the
    titles of claimants shall be determined by the rules in schedule B annexed
    to this Act.
  4. In the adjudication of claims to exempt lands or interests therein, the
    titles of claimants shall be determined by the rules in Schedule B annexed
    to this Act.
  5. Each Inam Commissioner and his Assistants shall have the same
    authority to procure the attendance of witnesses, and to take evidence, as
    now is, or from time to time may be, by law vested in the ordinary Civil
    Courts; and so far as concerns the penalties for not giving evidence, for
    false testimony, for resistance of process, contempts and other like
    matters connected with cases under cognizance by any
    Rep. Act IV of 1894
    Powers to appoint
    Inam Commissioner
    with Assistants and
    Duties how
    Determination of
    titles of claimants to
    Powers to enforce
    attendance of
    witnesses to take
    evidence, etc.
    1 As to the application of this Act, see the Bombay Land-revenue Code, 1879 (Bom. 5 of 1879),
    section 127.
    2 The words and figures “and incapable of being justly disposed of under the rules for the
    determination of titles and the rules of procedure contained in Chapters IX and X of Regulation
    Xvii of 1827 of the Bombay Code and their supplements” were repealed by the Repealing and
    Amending Act, 1894 (4 of 1894)
    3 The words “Provincial Government” were substituted for the words “Governor of Bombay in
    Council” by the Adaptation of Indian Laws Order in Council.
    4 The words “the said” were repealed by the Repealing and Amending Act, 1894 (4 of 1894).
    5 Bom. Reg. 28 of 1827 was repealed by the Repealing Act, 1873 (12 of 1873).

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