Prevention of Ragging

An Act to prevent ragging in edncationd Instiiutions in thestale and for
matlers connected therewith and incidentid themto.
Be it enacted by the Chhattisgarh laslature in the Fifty second Jrear of the
RqubIic of lnda as fbllows :-

  1. (1) ,This ACLmay b~ calld tho Cl~l~~rtir~nrlr Shni krhanik Sanrtl~anMo
    Pratama Ka Pratrslrdh Adhiniyam, 2001 mo.27 of200 1).
    (2) It extends to the whole of the Clihanisga rh.
    (3) It shall come into force on such date as the Srate Govemmenf [nay,
    by nutifiation, appoint,
  2. In this Ad, unless thecontext otherwise requires:-
    (a) “ragging” nlwns causing, induci~igcompdlingor forcing a student,
    ~h&rbyway of a prauialjokeor otl~crwise,to do any adwhich
    detracts fromhuman dignity or violates hisIlcrsonor exposes llinlto
    ridicule qr forbear from doing any unlowhl act, by inriinidating,
    wrongfdIy ratraining, wrongfi~[lycoi~ninz,or injuriuigI~imor by
    13singcriminal force to hin~or by I~oldingout to him any threat or
    such intimidation,wrongfulrestraint, wrongfit1 confincmerlt, injury
    or the use of crininal force.
    Nostudent of an educational iiistitution either directly or indirectly
    or by a& other mans or any where shall conunit or take part in
    Any person who wntravena the provisions of Section 1 or attenps
    to coninlit or abets the act ofraging or rakespart eitherdrectly or
    indirdyin ramngshail bepunish& wit11either ofthe description
    for imprisonment which may extend uptofive years or wid1finewlud~
    niay extend to five thousand ntpees or witll both.
    Every offenw under this Ad shall be cog~isable,non- ballable and
    Every offence punishable undcr this .Act sl~allbe tr-iedb). a .iudiciaI
    hlagi strate of first clasi
    Punishment.- 77.- ..’

m~.%F 17 2002


1s ll;j
. . –.
Tllc pro~isionsofthe code of crinunal procedure, 1973(No.2 of I974)
shall app!y for invesugation, inquiry :,nd tria[ of tho offcvccs ui~der
this .4a.
(1) Pending ivestigationcr trial ofan obi: – 😛 .underthis Act, hehadof the educational institulion shqll have tile-, pwet to suspe~da sttldenr accused of an oh* wdpr this Aa and debar him From entry illto prm~iswof tl~eeducational hstihrrron and the hostel. (2) A student of an dclational institelion who has $den conviad under Saion4 shall beliable to Mi~:icnFro111 the duational istitution,
A student who has bmrnsticsrcd sr any o&er person who has bm
c~nlriadunder this Ad sllall not beadrtucrc$5? angtl~erduca~ie~ial
ingitution witlin thejurisdi~ionof Ule statef?~.3peFiod ofrhrecyears.

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