Code of Criminal Procedure

to amend the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, in its application to
the State of Haryanu and lo validate certain acts.
B~itenactedbytheLegislatureofthe State ofHaryana in thementy-
seventhYear oftheRepublicofIndia as follows :-

  1. This Actmaybecalledthe CodeofCriminal Procedure(Haryana Short title.
    T -‘ Amendment andVdidation) Act, 1976.
  2. After sub-section (I) of section f 1 of the Code of Criminal Amendment
    Procedure, I 973 (hereinafterreferredto as theprincipal Act), the following ofsection 1I
    subsectionshall beins& and dullalwaysbedeemedto havekenins@ O’Parliammt
    namely :-
    Act 2of 1974.
    ofsection 13
    “(1 -A) The State Governmentmay Iike’wiseestablishas many
    Courts ofJudicialMagistratesofthe5rstclassandofthesecond
    class inmpecttoparticularcasesortopaceicularclassor classw
    ofcases, orto cases generallyinany local areas.”.
  3. Insection 13oftheprincipalAct,-
    (0) for thewords “seowdclass”, thewords “fistclass or second ,r?,h,,,t
    class” shall bcsaMtutcd and shall dwysbe deemed tohz-;e AC t 2 of1374.
    been substituted;
    (b) for the words “in any district”, the words “in any local area”
    sirai; :c s-u-sdrui&a~ &i be—r,izd iG hcTe eeri
  4. For StatementofObjccts and Rwsons,seeHarylrna GovmentC;iVxtte (Extra.),
    dated the 23rd January, 1976, page 216.8
    11976:HaryanaAct P6
  5. Notwithstandinganythingcontainedinanyjudgment, decree or order
    of any court, any notification issued by the State Government before the
    commencement of this Act purporting to estabIish any Court of Judicial
    Magistrate havingjurisdiction over morethan onedistrict shall be deemed to . f
    havebeen issuedundersection 11 read with section 13of the principalAct as
    amendedbythisAct and be deemedto be and alwaysto havebeen valid.I 83
    AMENDMENT)ACT, i -31
    to ntllett d thE Code qf’Crit11inalProcedure, 1973,in its application
    to the Stale of finv~ann.
    BEit enacted by the Legislatureof the State of Haryana in the Thirty-
    secondYear ofthe Republic ofIndiaas follows :-
    I. ThisAct maybe called the Code of Criminal Procedure (EIaryana Short title.
    Arnendment)Act, 1981.
  6. After section 167 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, the ~nsedionof
    section 167-A
    in Central Act 2
    following sectionshall be inserted,mely:-
    “167-A.Procedureon arrest by Magistrate.- For the avoidance 974,
    of doubt, it is hereby declaredthat the provisions of section
    167shalt, sofar as may be, applyalso in relationto anyperson
    arrestedby, orlmder any order or directionof,a magistrate,
    whether executiveorjudicial.”.
  7. For Statementofobjectsand Reasons,see HqanaGovernmentGazette(Extra.),
    dated the 21stSepter~bcr,1981, page 1388.1985: HARYANA ACT 14] CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE
    (HARYANA ACT NO. 14 OF 1985)
    Table of Contents
  8. Short title.
  9. Amendment of Section 24 of Central Act, 2 of 1974. .

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