Consolidation of Holdings, Common Purpose Fragment, Land

AN Act to provide for the compuZsory cansolidarioof crgricldtzlml itoldings atldfor preventing the fr“mentationof agrictllttlral
Ilo1dirlg.r in ‘[theState] of2[Haryoruz J ‘[andfar the ossig~tnlenior
resen:arion of lurid for conirnon purposes of the village].
It is hereby cnactcd as follows :
1, (,;,) This ,4ct may be call~r!thc East Punjab E~ldings sh~fi?iik-
(Consolidation and Prevention of Fragmentation) Act, 1948.
exlent and
(2) It extends to the wholtof the lEState] of 2maryana). mcnt.
(3) This section shall come ?[into force in the principal
territories] at once and the remaining provisions of Lhe Aashall come in
such area and from such date as the l[Statej Government may by
notification appoint in thisbehalf, and differentdates may be appointed
for the coming into 4orce of different provisions of the Act 5[and in the
transferredterriroriesonthe 3rd ApnI, 19571.

  1. In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or Inlerpretations.
    (a) “ConsolidationOfficer”mcans znofficer appointed as such
    under scction 14 by the ‘[State] Government and includes
    any person authorisedby the [State] Government to perform
    all or any of the functions of the ConsolidationOfficer under
    this Act;
    (61 “Consolidation of Holdings” means thc analgarnation and
    thc redistribution of dl or any of thc lands in an cstate or
    sub-division of an esrate so as to reduce the number ofpints
    in the holdings ;
  2. Substitured for the word “Punjab by the Haryana Adaphliun ofLawsOrder,
    3, ilddcd and deemed always to have been so added by Punjnb Act No.17 of
  3. Substilutcd for hewords “into li~rce”hy I-laryana Adnppaiion (~TLnwsOrder,
  4. The Words “and in the :ransferred territories on the 3rd April. 1957” addcd by
    ihidd [I948 :EASTI%. ACT50
    ‘[(bb] “common purpose” means any purpose in relation to any
    common nwd, convenience or bcncfit of the village] Z[and
    include the following purposes :-
    (i) extension of the viHage Abadi; 3[x x]
    (ii) providing income for the Panchayat of the village
    coacerned forthe benefit of thz village:c~~n,~unitjr.j
    ‘[(iii) vilIage roads and paths ;village drains, village weIIs,
    ponds or tanks, village water-coursesorwater-channels;
    village bus stands and waiting places; manure pits; hada
    rori; public latrines; cremation and burial grounds;
    Panchyat Ghar; Janj Ghx; grazing grounds; tanning
    places; mela grounds; public places of religious or
    charitable nature; and
    (iv) schools and playgrourlds, dispensaries, hospitals and
    institutions of like nature, waterworks or tube-wells,
    whether such schools, playgrounds, dispensaries,
    hospitals, instirurions,-watenvorksor tube-wells may be i
    managedand controlled by Ihe Stak Governmentor not.] 1
    (c) ‘Yragment” means a plot of land of less extent than the
    appropriarc standard area determined under ~s Ac!:
    Providedthatnoplot of land shall be deemed to be a fragment
    by reason ofany diminution in its area by diliuvion;
    (d) “land” means land which is not occupied as the site of any
    h~i!c!ing in a town nr ?rillage and is ncci.!?ied or let for
    agricultural purposes or for purposes subservient to
    agriculture or forpasture, and includcs the sites of buildings
    and other structures onsuch land;
    ~?nt_lfiedare.3″ me.ans p.ny area nntfied as such ~jnrler
  5. hided and deemed tg have brm w added hy P11nj;lil ;Icr 1.10.27,.,[ i366.
  6. The Word “and “ornilled by and sllall be decmd io have been so omiiied by
    Punjab Act 39 of 1963.
  7. Added by Punjab ACL39 of 1963. Thcse clauses shall be deemed aIways 10
    have been so added.
    SCC~~VII3,1948 :EASTh.ACTso]
    Ifl “owner1’means in the case of unalienated land the lawful
    occupant and when such land has been mortgaged, owner
    means the mortgagor; in the case of alienated land. owner
    means the superior holder;
    8) “prescrihd fieznsprescribedby ru!es mzdemder rhisAct;
    (!:.I “Settlement fiff7ccr fCr?nsolidaiion)” meails an officer
    appointed as such undcr section 20 by the ‘[State]
    Governmentandincludes any person authorised by the ‘[State]
    Government to perfom all or any of the functions of the
    SertlernentOfficer(Consolidation)under thisAct;
    (i) “standard area”inrespect of any classofland means the area
    which the ‘[State] Government may from time to time
    determine under section 5 as the minimum area necessary
    for profitable cultivation in any particular notified area and
    includes a standard area revised under the said sec(ion;
    (j) “sub-division”means a part of an estate recorded as a sub-
    division, pari, torf or pana in a record-of-rights prepared
    under scction 31 of the Punjab Land Revenue Pact, 1887,
    pmvided it forms a compact block; and
    k words and expression used in this Act but not defined have
    the meanings assigned to them inthe Punjab Land Revenue
    Act, 1887.

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