City of Erode, Corporation, Council, Municipal Council, Municipality,
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes

~ctto provide for the establishment of a Municipal Corporation
for the city of Erode.
BE it enacted by the Leglslat~veAssembly of the State of Tamil rladu Irl the
Fifty-n~nthYear of :he Republic of Itidla as follows.—

  1. (I) This Act may be called the Erode City Mun~cipalCorporation Act, 2008.
    (2) It extends ‘ +Qe c~tyof Erode.
    (3) It shall be deemed to have come Into force on the 1st day of January 2008.
    2 (1) In th~s Act, unless the context otherw~serequires,–
    (a) “c~tyof Erode” or “c~ty”means the local area compr~sedin the Erode
    Municipality and rncludes any local area wh~ch,after the date of the commencement
    of this Act, IS rncluded In the I ity but does not ~ncludeany local area which, after
    such date of the commencement of ih~sAct, is excluded from the city;
    (b) “corporat~on”means the municipal corporation of Erode constituted
    under section 3;
    (c) “counc~l” means council of municipal corporation of Erode;
    (d)”date of the commencement of this Act” means the date specified
    under sub-sect~on(3) of section 1,
    (e) “Government” means the State Government;
    (f)”munrcrpal counc~l”means the mun~c~pal counc~lof Erode Municipality;
    (g) “~nunlclpal~ty”means the Erode Municipalrty:
    (h)”Scheduled Castes” and “Scheduled Tr~bes”shall have the meanings
    respectrvely ass~ynedto them In clauses (24) and (25) of Artrcle 366 of the Constitution.
    (2) All words nntl exprcc,sl::ns used In th~sArt and r >t defrned but defined
    in the Cotmbatore C!ty Mu~rc,lpnl Corpor 3tion Act, 1981 (hereln~fterreferred to a i(
    the 1981 Act), shall have the meanings, respectively, ass~gnedto thern in the 1981
    :3 (1) Wllh cffecl on ,~ndirtJl11 Ihc (Lltc of the commericerncnt of this Act, tho Establ~shment
    local area included in tile Erode munlc~pal~tyshall const~tutethe clty of Erode for of rnun~c~pal
    the purl)oses of this Act a~idfrum such date of the commencement of this Act, a corporation
    the city
    munlclpal corpc)r,it~on shall he deemed to have been establlslied for the sard crty
    by tt~(?naimool trotlo C~tbMun~c~pol Corporat~on
    Provrded that the Government may, from time to t~meafter consultation with
    the corporatlon, by not~f~catlon, alter the l~m~tsof the c~tyconstituted under this sub-
    5i’c-tlOtl 50 (15 11, Ill(lkirlrh thercX~r)or to oxrlutff? thprefrom the areas speclfled 1″ the
    Provldect further th~tthe power to issue a not~f~cat~on under th~s
    sub-\t :tion SF ,’i Or! SU~!F.~L[r />T,~VIOUS ptA!,ltcatlon
    (3) rt)isrorl)or:~t~r)l~ -,h,~ll Ijy ttic s:ltcl njmr he a t)otly corpor:ate, llav~ng
    [)r!rpetu,~l suc c.rbkslon Ill(:(1;110 01 [hO
    C0lnrT’Qnc,Cnlenl of Lhrs Art ,hall t)c drommr! to have I)een at~ol~sh~rl frotn such date
    ul the cornmencement ot tt~sAct
    —.—– —. – ..– -A— – — — . — ——- 4
    Mun~cipal 4. The mt~nicipaldiitl~orit~esctlc:rged t~ittlcarryin(j out Ih(?PIOVISIO~:; ot lh~sAc!
    autl~orlt~es shall b0,- –
    (1) a COIIIILII, ‘
    (2) a stand!nq comm~ttee:
    (7) a wards conlrn~ttc.~:,inti
    (4) a cummlssionel.
    Const~tl~tionof 5. (1) Save as otherw:se ~I-o~JI~L’~ ~n sub-se~tio’i(2!, the co~rr:,~i sh,-~llconsist
    COU‘I~ 1 of such ndrnber of counc~llorscloctetl ~n thtb rn,tr~nt:l 1.1it1 IIOVJII111 th~?A 1 m81y be f~xedby the Governmelit, by rlulif~cat~ori, Iron1 t~rrlt,to t~rrlo,tail,Ilowr~~tr, 111~tthr! total number of couni,ilior> o?tt,e counc~lsh’ii! ~)oi c eci >e~iy-Lih(, ’71 anv +tme
    (2)The following persons shaii also Sc ~.ep:.ascnledin the !:ouiicii, nan:ely:-
    (aj the members of ihe Housi. of th~Peiiple representrnp
    constitiiencien which cornprise wt~oily.or p?i!iy file a!i?,l of the corpc.r;~tic;:t and
    the members of :he Coui?cii of States IPG!:;~.?T+X! a:; elcctors within tl!~?i+.-o:l ot
    the corporation:
    (b) all the :nenibers of tno /i:sernbly
    represantlng ccrnst~tuencswll~c’i compr se whuily r;: partiy !!.I? ; , of the corporatio,~. (3) The persons referrcd to in sub srctlon (2) shalt !le tvtitl~dto take part 11 the prvcecd~rigsbut shall riot havr the rryhl to vote I!, 17e tneet~nrib9f the csuncil (4) Seats sl;ali bc! reser;%d for the persons i:eionging tc: the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes it: the co.:~nciland the number cf sests zo reserved shall bear; as nearly as nlay be. the sanie priipor!lor; !::I t!-~c. totirl 1.1trrr1i;er of st-gats to be filled by direct election in the cou~cilas the prj;>uiatio!i ot the S(:h~tlt;li;il CZISI~S in the city or of the Scheduled Tribes ir~tile ciiy I?t?a~sto !he total pc)!~ularionof the city. (5) Seals shall bc reserted for women belorrg~tiqto the ~ct~eilu~od C,i\tcl, and tho Scheduled Iribcs, from ~niongtho scats rcsc:rvc:d for !ho Irerq.on\ I~c
    lonc)~n(j to the Schecl~fledCastes and ‘he Scheduied Tr~bes,wh~h~riallnot be k~ssthan one-th~rdof the total number of seats reserved tor tt-3 persons belr,nr/~nq !o the Scheduled Castes and he Scheduled Tr~bcbs (6) Seats shall be reserved for women in the council and the rrclrntw of seats reserved for women shall not be less than one-th~rd~nclucl~nythe number of seats reserved for wcmen belonging to :he Scht,riulea Cartes arlti SchecluleLC Tribes of the total numb^ of seats ln the courlc~l (7) The rese~vationof seats t8ndcisub-sccticns (4) and (5) shnl! cease to have effect on the expiry of tlie pgriocl speciilied in Article 334 of the Cr~nstittion.
    Duration of 6 (1) The corporation, unless sooner d~ssnlved,shall co~tir~uefdr heyears
    COrpOratlOn from the date appo~ntcdfor ~tsf~rstmcot~ng,tftrr rnrh ord~nnr;, c~l~ct~k~~i ,inti no
    longer and the said per~odof five yo,trs sti~lloporste as a rilssolullon of !he
    (2) An election to constitute !he c:orporat~on stlall be corr:pleteo.–
    (a) before the explry of ~tsdulatiorl specified in sub-section (1); or
    (h) before the expirailon of a period of SIX months from the date of its
    Provided that where the remainder oi !he peliod for which tte c!isso!ved
    corporation wauld hatie continued, is iess than six months, it sh.7;: :iPt be necessary
    to hold any, election, tinder this %I:-section Tor cor.stitutincj !he corporation fo; such

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