Publication of Reports

The foIlctiirg Act cf Gujnrat Lcgislat crt: 1.n~irgEctn ncr:tcdto hy the Prc~iZ~r,t CI~{LC Zlht Ir:tl.rcr,r y ILL2 is I;c~cLy11.1,lir 1.r (1 icr r;crnlinfo~mation.

  1. (2. 3lOhTAh’I,
    Secretary to the Gcvelrmfnt of Gujarat,
    1,cgal Department.
    GUJARAT ACT No. IX OF 1962.
    An Act to ~rciccttl:e ~:ublicaticncf rr1-crta c:f ~rccecdi~igfi of the Glljarat
    Lcgislativc deecmbly.
    It is hereby enacted in the TwelIth Tcar of Ihc Rc~ublicof Tl~diai18 ~OUOWB:-
    I.(I)This Act rnay hc cnllcd the Gujnrat Legislative Assembly Proceedhgs sh,fi titb.
    and extent.

    (Protection of Publicaticn) Act, 1561.
  2. In thia Act, “c~v~yayer” means any printed rericdicnl -orl<containing afi,,ltio,,
    public nerrs ur ccn:n:cnts LII itli lie Hens, srtd includes a news-agc11c:y lipp plying
    material for ~:ubiicaticnill a news1:xFer.
  3. (1) save us othernise 1.rcvidctl in ~uh-errtic11(2),no rerFcIl dlall be liable pubtirntion
    to any ~:rcc~~dirg~, civil cr ~r;mi~:aj, any Cc111t in rrtj.ect of 111~1)llblication in 0′ JfJlo~leof
    a ntwelal cr of a ~ukstantinllytiue Irlo~tof any 1rccccdirgs oft11c Clljnrat Legis-pmce+.dil;~
    lative Asscmhly, unless the publicaticn is ~rovcdto have heen mado with mJicc. ytivlirged.
    (2) h’othing in sub-section (I)~hnllhe construed ns protecting the publication
    of any matter, the puhlictltion of which is not for the public good.

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