Apartment, Apartment Owner, Apartment Number, Association of Apartment
Owner, Building, Common Area, Common Expenses, Common Profits, Joint
Family, Property

lo provide for the ownership of an Individual apartmefitin a building
and to make such aparhnent hericuble and transfer-ableproperfy
and matiers connected iherwith.
BEit enactedbythe Legislatureofthe Stateof llaryanain the Thrty-
fourth Year oftheRepublicofIndia asfollows:-

  1. (l)ThisActmaybecaildtheHarymaApartrnentOwne~bpAct,Shorttitlcand
  2. commcnccment.
    (3) ThisAct shall come into force in suchareas and onsuch dates as the
    SateGovernmentmay, bynotification, appointand differentdates may be
    ; appointedfor diffkrent areas.
  3. For Statement of objec&d ~easons,see~ar~ana ~overnment~azettc.,extra.),
    dated.?hc7th March, 1983,page 1196.
  4. ForStatement ofobjectsand Reasons, sce Haryana GovcmmentGazette, (Exm.),
    datcd 18thMuch, 2002, page535.194
    I 1983 :Haryana Act 10
    Application of ‘[2.Theprovisionsof this Act shall apply to everyapartment lawfully
    ~ct. constructedforresidential purposes,integrated commercialcomplexes,flatted
    f~ctories:Infolmzi~ionTechnology Industrial Units, CyberParkand Cyber
    City forthe puycseofkzn-sferofownershipofanindividual apartmentina
    bilildlilgwhcther constructedbcforc afterthe ccmmencemc;;: af thisAct. L?
    case ofiiccnces issued under the Haryarra Dc;vt;iupr~iii -7tiitiXtgii;iiii ijf
    — ,- .- – . . –,
    !-iC>en-4-z~ Act; I y / 3(8of t r!?;I; rhc owner cCs~chpronenuildir
    j;hzll2;:~-c;;ca::e an2 ~2:re$:;tercz 2 &!:b=Lt;;otl 2rnorinsl -A .If
    days derobtaining part completiodcompietioncertificateunder~e mies
    hmedundertheHqmaDevelopment and Regu!ation ofUrbanAreas Act,
    1975 (8 of 1975) or occupation certificateunder the ru1e.s fiamed underthe
    Pmiiib Schedi6eiiRoads %id ControIIeGAi~iiaKcstrietioii of’jfiic~l~t~d
    DevelopmentAct, 1963(4 1of 1963), which everis earlier. Incaseofproperty/
    building falling in the area developedbythe Haryana Urban Development
    Authority,the owner of suchpropertyhuildingshall duly execute and get
    registeredadeclaratinnwithaperiodof ninetydays &obtaining occupation
    certificateof the buiIding under the regulations framed nnder the Harya~a
    Urban DevelopmentAuthorityAct, 1977(13 of 1977). In case ofproperty:
    buildingwhere the owner has already obtainedpart completionlcompletion
    certificateoroccupationcert&te underthe rules and~egulationsframed
    under the saidActs, the period of cinety days shall take effect fiom the
    commencement of thisAct.
    Explanation.- For thepurposeof this section”Information Technology
    hdusfrialUnits”,”Qbzr Pa’and “CyberCity”shall have the samemeaning
    as wigedto themir!theZoningRegidationsofDevelopmentPlansofvarious
    citiespublishedunder section5ofthe Punjab ScheduIedRoadsand Controlld
    Areas Restriction ofUrlregulatedDevelopmentAct, 1963 (4 1 of 1963).]
    Definitions. 3. In thisAct, unlessthe contextotherwiserequires,-
    ‘[(a) “apartment” means apart of aproperty, intendedfor any type
    of independentuse,includingbuildinghavingoneormorerooms
    with enclosedspeiocatdon one ctr i::ot.:: Zoors oranyp~<
    orparts thereof, tobe usedforresidence,officeor forpmctisi~lg i
    anyprofession orfor cmyhgonanyoccupation,trade, business
    or manufacturing or other uses relating to Information
    Technology or for such othertypeof independentuse, as may
    beprescribed,withadirectexittoapublic streef road or highway
    or to a commonarea leading to such street, road or highway
  5. Substituted byHaryanaAct 10 of2002.
    ‘+-++-‘1983 :Haryana Act 101
    and includesanygarage or room (whether or not adjacent to
    the building in which su~.,apmentis Iocaired) pi-ovidedby
    the colonizerlownerof such property foruse bythe owner of
    such apartmentforparking any vehicle or for the resiaence or”
    anypasonenlploycd in suchapam1ent, asthe case ~nzybc.
    Explanation.- For thepurpose of this clause as “colonizer”shaH
    ;izvcd>c-;iciik’i iiig k;A;g;cd …-&.zr~le; zy&.-,Gi:cj;iii~ii;
    . .
    at* g~j~tinn – nfijfija[1.4!~~5,A,?+, iG75 i-‘&i,!.?iv?<!;j
    (6) “aparimentowner” means the person or persons owning an
    apartment and undivided interest in rhe common areas and
    fa,cili!ie.s in the percentage specified and estahlish~din the
    { “apadmentnumber” means Ulenumber, letkrorcorilbinatiorl
    thereof designatingthe apamnentinthe declamtion ;
    (dl “association ofapartment owners” means all the apartment
    owners actingas agroup in accordance with the bye-laws and
    (e) “buildinp’m- abuilding containingfiveor moreapdn1ents
    or two or more bui!dings, each containing two or nore
    ayartments,withatotal offiveormore apadments,forall such
    buildings and cumprisinga part oftheproperty ;
    storage spaces;
    fl “common areas and facilities”unless othehiseprovidedin the
    dalaratian or lawfulamendmentsthereto, means-
    (1) the land onwhichthebuilding is lucated ;
    (2) the foundations,coIumns, grrders,beams, supports,main
    walls, roofs,halls, corridors, lobbies, stairs, stairways,
    fire’escapesand entrantsand existsofthebuilding;.

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