Apex Society, Cadre Society, Central Soceity, Certified Copy, Co-Operative
Bank, Co-Operative Credit Structure, Co-Operative Principles, Co-Operative
Society with Limited Liability, Co-Operative Society with Unlimited Liability,
Delegate, Intrest, Nationa

to co~zsolidotealld amend ;he law larirzgto co-ope~*nti~:e sflcietia. BEitenacted by the Legislature ofthe State of11-ia inthemy-fifih Year of the Rep&!ic ilFIndia as follo~vs:- Short title and 1. (1) This Act may be called the Haryana Co-operative Societies extent. Act, 19B.i. (2)It extends to the whole oftheStateof Haryana. Definitions. 2. hthisAct, unless thecontcxt nthem-ir;erequires,- a “apex socicty” mcans a cn-opcrativc snciety whosc arca of m-#,-nt:ne ***.,Am tn el-&,,hmL nrLo @t-– n.4Lfi nA-“P&, V~VLULIWIILA~LU~LV rlxb vrrtw~uvar8.v vturb urnu&r&kplrlllulj
9hjectofwhichisthe p~mc!t;.~r! cf fiezbjrctsmd the9rcljIsln~
offaciiiuesfor~e ope~dnonoforiicrco-upcrarivcsocicricswhich
arcits mcmbers;
(‘4 “Ca&e Society”means apex society which is requirediO
consiitutr:acom-mr_lnc:i&c mdt:r section37;
(4 “central socie@”meansacooperative societytheprimaryobject
of which is to facilitate the working of other co-operative
societieswhich are its members;
(e) “comrnittec” mcms thc governing body of a co-opcmiivc
srziev, by whatwernme tzl!~!, tc which the management of
!hc aK:h cf %c sacie?; :is cfitrust.ed;
(fl “co-0~erzti1.r: s~c!ety”or “society” meansa societyregxtered
or deemcd to bc rcgistmd under this ~ct;
(g) “mpntivesccietywithlimited 1iability”rneansacwpmtive
society, the liability ofwhose members is limitedby it;;bye- ,
{ “GO-opemtivesociety with unlimited Irab~iiw’means a co-
operativesociety, the li~hilityof whosemembers is unlimited
for tbe purpose of con~ouhngjointly and severally to any1984 :HaryanaAct 221
defic!encyin thc assets of the socictyin the event of its being,
“fmancinginstitution” means an institution to be notified by the
Govemrnent inthis be1Af;
“Governmc~t”means Governmentofthe Stattof Haryana;
“member” means an individililf or a sucicty joinic~gin the
spp!icztion for the regismtion of a co-operative societyand a
person or society admitted to the me~i~be~.ship after such
registration inaccordmccwith thsAct, the n~leand the bye-
laws and includes anassociate member and the Govemnent
when it subscribesto the share cap~talofa society ;
“net profits” means profit aftcr deduction of establishment
charges, contingent charges, interest payahic on loans and
dcjmsits, audit fee and suchuihcr sums &12ld;i heprescTibcdj
–of’ficei’r-tleuls president, vice-prcaiilelii,chainlxn,vice-
chairman,managing director, secretary,manager, member of
zomrnittm,~x~:rer.liquidator. achir.iska~orand i~~ciudcs any other person empowered under the rulesor the bye-laws to give directions in regard to the business of a co-operarive society “prcscn bed” means prescribedbyrules made ut~derthisAct; “primarysociety”mmnsaco-opentive society,object of which !E TI! ~trrm~:?rin-? r_;fitr!!r?on I!itre~is nfir.5mcmkcrs a~dwhose
“producersociety”means a society formed with the object of
producing and disposing of goods and cornmndities as a
colleclivcpropertyofits membersand includes asocietyformed
with the object of the co!le-ctivedisposal afthc labour of its

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