Animal, Custodian, Export, Fund, Licensed Capacity, Milk Plant,

D.4.RY- !:!13\’ELC;l’mIT~ SETiT)R) ACT. 2001
ro pwiliefor in~pro,:cn:c!nlo.f,fthe,yetlclicstock cg-the milch nnbnais ~~clJically
the prime bleed ‘kllrrrr7h’ and loco1 breed.^ like ‘Sat~iwal’ond ‘Hariano’, to
i:nprnve the skills and teciinolog? in i11edairy fa!-ming andjirr toking slep.s/i,r (!re
~L!~elupri;enr oflninral lirrsSandry nndDoiry Dcvt?b~pnlensSectors und tc consti:ritc
!ire Ffavarru Live.srock Orveloprnerir Bourd lo uchieve ?hisoi~.iec/ive.
BE il enacted by Ihc Legislature of llle Srate of Fhymula ill thc Fifty-second
year of heRepublic of India as iollows :–

  1. ( I) ‘hisAct may he called ~lieilaryzia Murrah Buffaio aud ortier Milch Shon till~,crrc~>l
    Aniulal arced (Reservation and 1)evzlopmenl of Animal I-!usbandry and Dairy
    I)cvelopment Sector) Act, 2001.
    (2) 11 extends to thc whole of Ule Sulc of W:uyana
    (3) It dial1 conic iriu~forcc on such dale % the Goveni~oen~may, by
    noLificarion in Llie Official Gazette, appoint and difkreiii ilates niny be appointed lor
    difiren! areas.
    (a) “animal” i!icludes a heifer;
    (1)) “Board” means heliarma 1.ivcst1~lii.>evelop~~~ent Hoard co!cslitu:eti
    :~ndersccliun 4 of Uli Act;
    (cj “custodian”iiic:lns L\e prsiin wn11 is in posscssior; olCic mirniil and
    sh;~llir~ciudeUie consifnee!ow!.!ier a18dliis represwiuitiveaccouipwiying
    tile ;..nirn;~l.k will Jsa include tho dri;rer ;ad cc!nductr~rin case the
    s:limnl which is being :rsi!sportcd thrc>ughpublic tncspo~t;
    id) “sxpor!” mc’aus 😮 uike out dlhclir~litsof th’ Sbreof Haryw~ato any
    place in l~idia;.

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