Official Language, Hindi

[Received rhe risseltr oJrAe Goventor of Naryulra olr the
23rd Februury, 1969, artd was Jrst published ilr Haryu~lci
Governnrent Gazerre (Extraordinary), of ilte Srh March, 19691.
ACT to provide for the adoptiot 1 of Hirtdi as the Im~gl~rrge to be used for the
oficial purposes of the State of Haryana.
Whether repealed or othcnvise affected by Legislation
Amended by Haryana Act 6 of 1972′
Amended by Haryana Act 3 of 1973′.

  1. (I) This Act may Ix called the Haryana Official Language Act, Short title
  2. and exrent. 2’I%17(2) ;It extends to the whole of the State of Haryana.
  3. 3Short title TheHaryana Official tangauge Acr. 1969.
  4. In this Act, unless the conrext otherujise requires,- Deiinitions.
    (a) ‘appointed day’ means the 26th day of January, 1969 ;
    (b) ‘Hindi’means Hindi in Devnagri script ;
    (c) , ‘Stake Government ‘ means the Government of the St ate
    thc Haqana .
  5. Fur Statenient of Objects and Reasons, see Haryana Government Gazette
    i (Extraordin~), 1969. Page 106. – 2. For Starement of Objecls and Reasons. see Haryaha Government Gazet~c
    (Extraordinary), 1972, Pagc 46.
  • 3. For ~tatcmcnt of Objects and Reasons. see Harynna Government Gazette
    t~xrraordinar~). dated the (-3- 1973. Page 240.
    30 OFFICIAL LANGUAGE [I969 : bry-ana Act 17
    Official Language I’ur official puqmses of Stale. Language lo be used in Bills. etc. Authoritarive Hindi ~cxis of Slate laws.
  1. subject to the provisions of this ACI. Hindi shall, as fmm the
    appointed day, be the language to be uscd for all official purposes of the
    Scate of Haryana except such purposes as thc St+ Government may by
    notification specify and rhe language in use for such excepted purposes
    immediately before rhe appointed day may be used as official language
    for such purposes.
  2. No(withstanding anything contained in section 3. Hindi shall,
    on and from such date as the State Govement may by notificatiar~ appoint
    in this behalf, be the language to be used-
    (a) in all Bills to be introduced or amendments thereto to be
    , moved in the House of the Legislature of the State ;
    (b) in all Acts passed by the Legislature of the State ;
    (c) in all Ordinances promulgated under ArticIe 213 of the
    Constitution ; and
    (d) in all orders, rules, regulations and bye-laws issued under
    the Constitution or under any law for he time being in
    force in thc Scatc :
    Provided that different dates may be appoirlted in respect of any of
    $r: ~rratieis 4-eferred tcl in clauses (ii;, (hi, (c) or :dl.
    ‘[4-A. A translation in Hindi published under the aurhori ty of the
    Governor of thc State of Haryana in the Official Gazetre,-
    (a) of any Haryana Act passed in the English Language, or
    (b) of any Punjab Act as in force in the State of Hwana, or
    (t} of any Ordinance promulgated in [he English language by
    the Governor of Haryana under Article 213 of the
    Contitution, or –
    (d) of any order, mlc, regulation or bye-law issued in the
    English language by the Governor of Haryana or by
    the Governor of Punjab and in force in the State of
    Ihyana, shall be deemed to be the au~horita~ive text thereof
    in Hindi.]
    Authorised ’14-B. The.authoritarive text in the English language of all Bills to
    IIindi be intorduced or amendments thereto lo be movcd in he House of the
    Trilnslauon Legislature of the ‘Stale shall be accompanicd by a translation of the same of Bill&. in Hindi authorised by the State govern men.

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