Central Act Amendment, Indian Registration Act, 1908, Certificate of Sale of
Immovable Property

An Act further tc amend the Indian Registration
Act, 1908, in its application to the “State of
Tamil Nadu] for a certain purpose.
WHEREASit is expedient to amend the India11 Regis-
of 1908. tration Act, 1908, in its appllcdtion to the a[Stat~of
Tamil fiJu], for the purpose hereinafter appearing ;
Aso WHEREASthe previous sqctionof tltc Govenlor-Gcncral has bccn obtai11cJ to the pas?i~lg of this Act ; It i, hercby cuactcd as f~)llows:- I ~ ~ Short title 1. This Act nlay be c;llled th~Zncliutl Registl.ation (‘[Tamil Natlu] Amendment) Act, 1935. —— – –I_ 1Thesewords were substitnted for llle word ‘ Madras ” by the TLllnilNadu Addptation of L,~wsOrder, 1969, as smcnded by tht: rdmil &du Adaptation of L,iws (Second Amcl~drncnt)Ordcr, 19b’). r For Statclncnt of Objcct.; and Ilo;au~a,S(V Fort St. GL’o,.
Gate[te,ddfed tllc 15thOctobcr 1935,Part iV, p.306.
his ~ctw; extended to the K ~nyaku~uaci district .~ndthe SII.
=ottahtaluk ot’the Tirunelvali district by section 3 of, and the F1r;t
Schedule to, the Tnmil Nndu (‘l’ransrcrreti .TCII itor4) Fxtension Act, 1960(Tamil Ni~tluAc1 23 01 1900). repealing tllc
correspont\iny 1.1~in force ill tllnt territ0.y.
a This ex ression was substituted for the euprcision
dewof Ma&wi ‘
by dl. T.lmil Nada Adrptotio~lof Laws or&,
1970, which was deadto hovc conla into forceor1 t lle 14thJnnuar
1936 :T.N. Act
Irzdian Registratton (Tamil 477
Nadti Amendment)

  1. After sub-section (4) of section 89 of the Indian Amendment
    89, Act XVI
    Registration Act, 1908, the following sub-section shall of section
    be added, namely:-
    (‘(5) Every officer granting a certificate of sale
    of immovable property under the *'[Tarnil Nadu] Co-
    Nad~lI operative Land Mortgage Banks Act, 1934, or thc
    rules made under the -]-MadrasCo-operative Societies

    Act, 1932, shall send a copy of such certificate to the
    registering officer withill the local limits of whose
    jurisdiction the whole or any part of the immovable
    property comprised in such certificate is situate, and
    such registering officer shall file the copy in his Book.

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