Arbitrator, Award, Board, Conciliation Officer, Conciliation Proceeding,
Controlled Industry, Court, Industry, Industrial Dispute,

-kt further tlo stnend tI~eIndustr5.a I. 1)isputes
itiSilt7 in its ;~_npLic,?irior,to thc SLatc rf
I:nd:!ra PI:.:$~?KF .
se i.:. znacirsii I;.y the kgis:r.ative :Assembly
ur’ t ka S t.:lrc of Arldhr:. I’raciesii j.n the Thirty-
eisi~ri~y~i?rc,S cize kept:ulic r,i iridi; follows:-
I. (1) TI IS^; A,:.. :;:; ?,a called thz Indus-short titlk,
crid Cispu’i~: (91?4″.1.;?~a~Ie>?iA-mcndme~it)hc t,extent and
*7eceivc,! t!e LsS~P~of the Pr.:sldcnt on ttr 22nd July,
19C7. Fn- St~~emerrtot ~bjcctsand R?asocs, olr?dTe see the
kndkra Ptadcst Gdzet’.~-, P51.t IV-A Ext~dorCinarg, dated tcC
ZZnd ddnu.~ry?’)a;, at p3ge 35.
f(2)It extends to the whole of die State of ~n&&
(3) It shaU wme intb force at once.
Arnendmnt 2. In the Industria1 Disputes Act, 1947 (hereinafter
-~ctI4 of
referred ~to$as the~prinoipal 1Act), section 2A shall be
numbered as sub-section (1 ) thcreof and after the sub-
section, as so nitmbered, the following sub-section shall
be inserted, namely:-
“(2) Notwithstandin: anything in section 10,
any such ,workman as js specified in sub-section (1)
may, make an application in the prescribed manner
direct to the Labour Court for adjudication of the
dispute referred to therein; and on receipt of such –
ap?lication, the Labour Court shall have jurisdiction to
adjudicate upon any matter in the dispute, as if it were
a dispute referred to or pending before it, in accordance
yith the provjsions of this ACL; and accordingly a11 the
provisions of this Act, shal! apply in relation to such
dispute as they apply in relation to ally other industrial

  1. ir1 clause (b) of secfior~?A r~fthe principal Act,
    for ihci words “within twcnty-one days”: the words
    -‘rn,i~inforty-iwo days” shall be suh;titu!d.
  2. Afks section 10A of the principal Act, the fol-
    new Inscrtiuu sectionor
    iowing section shall be iasertd, namely:-
    the State Government, it is necessary or
    terms an6
    conditions of
    “Power to
    issue orders 10B.(1) Notvrithstanding anythins
    rqgardlny contashed in this Act, if i11 the opiaion of
    service, etC.
    expedient:so to do, for securing the public safety or
    convenience or’ the maintenance of public order or
    supplies and services essential t]o the life of the commu-581 .
    .. . …
    rdy or for maintaining employment or lmii r.7. ,~ig
    ji!dust~algeace, it may by a general or special c:dsf,
    nmke pro~ision,- ‘
    , (:.) for requiring employers, worknlell cr 170th
    to ohm-vv: for s~chpcrid as ma-y !ye sspecificcl i~1the
    order, such terms and coilditions of employrncr:t as may
    be 2eLe1.1ninedin accordance wit!? ttfc orrim: :and
    (bj for prohibiting, subject to the provisions af
    the ~rder,strikes or lwkcilts generally or a strike or
    lockor: in concectian wi,tl~any indast~ialdispute.
    (2) In case any industrial dispute is raised in
    respecf of my ‘ provisioils ill tile, urdcr of711e Siatc
    Govesllment maqe under sub-section (i) within a perid
    of.three mmt?~<!ofthe older, it, shall be referred by the
    State Government ior adjudication to an Jndustrial
    Tribunal or Labour Court end thc order shall lapse
    vhc’n ths n~.val-clofthe Trikinal or Labour Court
    becomes wfn~ceable:

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