Central Act Amendment, The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947

YMlL NADU ACT NO. 36 OF 1982.*
[Received the assent of the President on the 12th July 1982,
first published in the Tamil hadu Gov~xnrnen.~Gazelle
Extraordinary on the 16th July 1982 (Afini 32, Thun-
thubi, Thiruvuliuvar Aandrl-2013).]
An Act further to amend the Industrial Dispute5 Act, 1947,
in its application to the State of’TamilN~du.
BEit enacted by the Legislature of the State of Tamil Naadu
inthe Thirty third Year of the Republic of India as fol-

  1. (1) This Act mybe called t,heIndustrial Disputes short title,
    (2) It extends to the whole of the State of Tamil Nadu. commence-
    9 new scction
    (3) It shall come into force on such date as the Stste
    Government may, by notifiation, appoint.
    (Tamil Nadu Amendment) Act, 1982.
  2. After section 10-A of the Industrial Disputes Acr Insertion of
    the principal Act) the foliowing section shsll be inserted, Act XIV ol.
    namely ;- 1947.
    1947 (Central Act X1V of 1947) (herelnGf.el ref~rredto as
    “10-B. Power to issue ordcr regnrding terms and
    conditions of service pmding settlement qf disputes.-
    (1) Where an industrial dispute has been referred
    *, 1 “
    , .2. ..::
    by the State Government to a Labour Court … a .
    ‘lribunal under sub-section (i) of section 10 and if, in the
    opinion cf the State Government, it is necessary or ex-
    pedient so to do for securing the public safety or conveni-
    ence or the maintenance of public order cr aupplies and
    services essential to the life of the community or for ma in-
    taining employment or industrial peace in tlle establish-
    ment concerning which such reference has been m~de,
    they may, by genera! cr special arder, make pl o~~isioil- ,
    (a) for requiring enlployers or workmen or both to
    observe such terms and conditiolls of emnploylncnt as may
    be specified in the order or as may be determiced in accor-
    *For State~nentof Objects and Ress~ns,see Tnnzil Nndu Govern-
    ment Gwtte Extraordinary, dated the 27th March 1982, Pill t IV
    Section 1 ,page 176.
    1 25-1L-55jlnacrtian
    uf new
    section 29-A
    in Central
    Act XIV of
    866 Industiial Disputes (Tamil
    Nadu Amendment)
    dance with the order, including
    employer to anyperson who is o
    (b)for requiring any public
    close or remain clc srd and to work
    onsuch terms and conditions as may be specific
    order ;and
    (c) for any incidental
    which appears to them to be necess
    the purpose of the order:
    Rodded that no order made un
    wction shall require any employer to obser
    mnditions of emkloyment less favo
    than those which were applicable to them
    within three months immediately preceding tb
    the order.
    . Explanat ion: For the purpose
    ccpublicutility service “means-
    (i) any section of an industrial establishment
    on the working of which the safety of the establishment
    or the workmen employed therein depends ;
    (ii) any industry which supplies power, ligbt or
    water to the public ;
    (iii) any industry wbich bas been declared by
    the State Government to be a public utility service for the
    purpose of this Act.
    (21 An order made under sub-section (1) shall
    cease to operate on the expiry o
    from the date of the order or on
    tbe Labour Court or the Tribunal, as the
    whichever is carlier.
    (3: Any mone; ;?
    in pursuant- of an order unde
    deducted by that employer fr
    benefit to which sucb perso
    provisions of any award pa
    the Tribunal, as the case may be.”..

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