Contribution, Factory, Fund, Independent Member, Unpaid Accumulations, Welfare

Act 15 of 1965.- The Bombay Labour Welfare Fund Act 1953, which provides for the
constitution of fund for the financing of activities to promote welfare of labour, is in force in the
Bombay Area of the State. It is considered desirable to have a uniform law in the whole State for
the purpose. Hence the Bill. The Board proposed to be established now under this Bill will take
over the Labour Welfare Centres now under the control of the Government. The Board will
promote the welfare of labour and their dependents, and in particular incur expenditure in respect
of the matters specified in clause 8(2).
Hence the Bill.
( Published in the Karnataka Gazette (Extraordinary) Part IV-2A dated 10-7-1964 as No. 183
Amending Act 73 of 1976.- According to the existing provision in the Karnataka Labour
Welfare Fund Act, 1965 the Welfare Fund consist of :-
(a) all fines realised from the employees;
(b) all unpaid accumulations transferred to the funds; and
(c) any voluntary donations.
The Funds realised from item (a) and (c) referred to above are very small. There is hardly any
inflow to the funds from item (b) as the enlightened labour do not allow any dues to remain
unpaid. The limited resources have not enabled extension of Labour Welfare activities to all
Industrial Areas.
It is, therefore, felt necessary to augment the resource of the fund by levying a contribution
payable by the employees, the employer and the State Government
Hence the Bill.
(Published in the Karnataka Gazette (Extraordinary) Part IV-2A dated 8-11-1976 as No. 4419
at page 6.)
Amending Act 10 of 1994.- In order to effectively implement activities to promote welfare of
labour it is considered necessary to enhance contribution payable by employee, employer and
Governemnt respectively, by amending section 7A of the Karnataka Labour Welfare Fund Act,
Hence the Bill.
(Obtained from L.A.Bill No. 24 of 1993.)

  • * * *3
    1 [KARNATAKA]1 ACT NO. 15 OF 1965
    ( First published in the 1[Karnataka Gazette]1 on the Fifth day of August 1965)
    (Received the assent of the President on the Eighteenth day of July 1965)
    (As amended by Act 73 of 1976 and 10 of 1994)
    An Act to provide for the constitution of a Fund for financing and conducting activities
    to promote welfare of labour in the 1[State of Karnataka]1.
    WHEREAS it is expedient to constitute a Fund for financing and conducting activities to
    promote welfare of labour in the 1[State of Karnataka]1;
    BE it enacted by the 1[Karnataka State Legislature]1 in the Sixteenth Year of the
    Republic of India as follows:-
  1. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order 1973 w.e.f. 1.11.1973
  2. Short title, extent and commencement.- (1) This Act may be called the
    1 [Karnataka]1 Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1965,
  3. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order 1973 w.e.f. 1.11.1973
    (2) It extends to the whole of the 1[State of Karnataka]1.
  4. Adapted by the Karnataka Adaptations of Laws Order 1973 w.e.f. 1.11.1973
    (3) It shall come into force on such 1[date]1 as the State Government may, by
    notification in the official Gazette, appoint and different dates may be appointed for
    different areas of the State.

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