Central Act Amendment, The Land Acquisition Act, 1894

An Act further to amend the Land Acquisi-
tion Act, 1894, in its application to the
3[Stateof Tamil Nadu;\,
Act of WHEREASit is expedient fvrther to amend the Land

  1. Acquisition Act, 1894, in its application to the
    $[State of Tamil Nadu], for the purposes hereinafter

appearing ; It is hereby enacted as follows :-

  1. (1) This Act may be called the Land Acquisi- short title
    and extent.
    Tamil Nadu].
  2. In section 17 of the Land Acquisition Amendment
    1 7, Central
    ~ctI of Act, 1894-
    tion (l[Tamil Nadu] Amendn~ei~t)Act, 1948.

(2) It extends to the whole of the “State of

(a)to sub-section (I), the following Explana- ~ctI of
tion shall be added, namely :- 1894.
“Exl~lntl~2tion.-Tl~issub-section shall apply
to any waste or arable land, notwithstanding the
existence thereon of scattered trees or temporary
structures such as huts, pandals or sheds ;”
1 These words were substituted for the word “Madras” by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order. 1969, as amended by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Order,

  1. <
    J For Stafenient of Objecls and Reasons, see Felt St. Geo~e-
    Guzc:lr, datcd thc 17111 August 1948. Part IV-A, page 376.
    a This exp~c\sionwas substitutcd for the expression .’Province
    of Madras” by thc Taniil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1970,
    which was deemed to have cQme Into force on tiie 14th January
  2. i
    4 This expression was substituted for the expression ”State of
    Madras” by the Tamil Nadu Adapta!lon of Laws1Ordcr. 1969, as
    amended by the Tarn11 Nadu Adaptat~onof Laws {Second A-d-
    mcnt) Order. 1969.
    125-1 4-69;FA:.;.:.$% .,
    LandAcquisition [I948 :
    (TmilNadu Amendment)
    (b)’in the first paragraph of subsection (2)-
    (i) before the word “Whenever’: at the
    commencement, the following shall be inserted,
    namely :-
    “In the following cases, that is to say-“;
    (ii) the portion beginning with the word
    “Whenever” and ending with .the words “access to
    any such station ” shall be lettered as clause (a) and
    after the clause as so lettered, the following clause
    shall be inserted, namely :-
    “(b) whenever in the opinion of the Collec-
    tor it becomes necessary to acquire the immediate
    possession of any land-
    (i) for the purpose of any library or
    educatio~lalinstitution, or
    (ii) for the construction, extension or
    improveme1:t of-
    (A) any building or other structure in
    any village for the common use of the inhabitants
    of such village, or
    (B) any gndown for any society regis- ~adru
    tered or d;s~acd to be registered under the Madras tE9%.
    Co-op:rati.~ Societies Act, 1932*, or
    (C) any dwelling llous.

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