Aided Educational Institution, Educational Institution, Existing Educational
Institution, Private Educational Institution, Recognized Educational

BEit enacted by the Legislature of the State of
Orissa in the Twentieth Year of the Republic of
India, as follows :-

  1. (1)This Act may be called the Orissa Edu- $gtt
    cation Act, 1969.
    (2) It extends to the whole of the State of
    (3) It shall come into force on such date as
    the State Government may, by 2notifi~a-
    tion, appoint in that behalf.
  2. Nothing contained in this Act shall apply to AC~wt to
    .educational institutions of their choice establishedz;$:q,,,,-
    and administered by minorities having the right tutions.
    under clause (I) of Article 30 of the Constitution.
  3. In this Act urlless the context oth~rwisenefinitiow.
    under section 15 ;
    (a) C’Advisory Council” means the State
    Advisory Council of Education established


I. For Statement of Objectp and Rcssons, & Orissa Guettc, extra-
ordinary, dattd the 1st July 1968 (No.722) and for Report of the Scltct
:t3mmittec, .rte Ibld. datedthe 26th February 1969 (No. 550).

  1. Came into force w. e. I.15th October 1969-vi& Edumtion Depulmcn$
    Notification No. VEMG-.205/68-24757,dated the 15th Octobtr 1969,
    , published in thc Origxa Gazcrrc, dated the 31st October 1969, Pt. III,p. 981.
    ;( 57-73(a) Law) ‘ ,(5ec. 3-contd. )
    (b) ‘(aided educational institution” means a
    private educational institution which is
    recog~lisedby and is receiving aid from
    the State Government;
    (c) “Board” means the District School Board
    established under section 16 ;
    ‘[(c-I) “Director” means the Director of Public
    Lnstruction, Orissa and includes any
    other officer not below the rank of a
    Deputy Director of fublic Instruction
    who may be authorised by the State
    Government, from time to time, by
    general or special order to perform all
    ot any of the functions and exercise all
    or any of the powers of the Director
    under this Act and as the State Govern-
    ment may by notification specify in that
    behalf ;]
    (d) ‘;educational agency” means any person
    or body of persons permitted to establish
    and maintain any private educatioaal
    institution ;
    (e) “educational institution” means any mllege
    or School, other than an institution for
    technical education not under the control
    of the Education Department of the State
    Government, and includes the lands,
    buildings, plsygrounds and hostels ofthe
    ~Uegeor school and the movable proper-
    ties, maps and equipments pertaining
    thereto ; ,
    (f) “existing educational institution” means
    any aided, recognised or Government
    educal.iona1 institution established befare
    the commencement of this Act and conti-
    nuing as such at such commencement ;
    (g) ‘governing body” means any body of indi-
    viduals, by whatever name designated, In
    which the management of a college vests ;
    (h) “managing committee” means any body
    of individuals, by whatever name desig-
    nated, in which the management of a
    schooZ vests ;
    made under this Act ;

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