Land Reforms, Orissa Land Reforms, Agriculture, Basic Holding, Ceiling Area,
Fair and Equitable Rent, Fair Rent, Home-Stead, Irrigated Land, Land
Holder, Land Reforms Personal Cultivation, Privileged Raiyat, Lord
Jagannath, Raiyat, Rent, Standard Acre,

WHEREAS it ISnecessary to enact a progressive
legislation relating to agrarian reforms and land
tenures consequent on the gradual abolition of inter-
mediary interest;
AND WHEREAS it is expedient to confer better
rights on agriculturists to ensure increase in food
production in the manner hereinafter appearing ;
It is hereby enacted by the Legislature of the
State of Orissa in the Eleventh Year of the Republic
ot India, as follows:-
cxtent and

  1. (1) This Act may be called the Orissa Landshorl titte,
    Reforms Act, 1960.
    (2) Tt extends to the whole of the State of Orissa.
    (3) Dshall come into force2in whole or in part,
    onsuch date or dates as he Governme~ltmay from time –
    to time by notification appoirlt; and different dates may –
    be appointed for different provisions of this Act.
    — .. … —- —-
    I. For State~nnnrof Oh~~lsand Rcasons rcc Gazerrc, Extraordi-
    narx, dated the 6th Fcbruarh,19hO (No.142) and ior the Rtpor~or %let
    Committee see tbid.. dalcd thc 26th Fcbruary ;960 (NO.240).
    2.Came inlo Force with effect from lhc 1st Ociober, 1965 excepting
    Chepltrr 111 nnd IV viilu Notifiwtic~nNo. 63382-Re-60/65-R.,dated rhr 25th
    September, 19hZ. published in Ori.rsa Garelre, Exlrnordin~ry,datrtl thc 25th
    September 1965 (No.1501).
    Chnptcr ti1 camc into rorcc with tNcc1 from thc 9th Deecmllcr,l965
    vide Notification No.78619-R.E. 78165.R.. dated rhe 8th Dcccn~bcr, 1965,
    published in Orisslr Gazette. Extraordin~ry. duted the 5th Dt-ccmbcr. 1965
    Chapter IV came into force with effect frunl liie7th January, 1972, vjda
    Notification No. 88172.916-R.,datcd the 5th January, 1972, published in
    Orisxu Gazerre, E~tranrdiner~.dated the 6th January, 1972 mo. 33).254
    DcEdiona 2. In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant
    in the subject or context :-
    (I) c’agriculture” includes the raising of crops,
    grass or garden produce, horticulture,
    dairy farming, breeding and keeping of
    live-stock and use of land as pasture or for
    forest or for any other purpose where
    such use is ancillary to agriculture’;
    (3) ”Armed Forces” means the Military,Naval
    or Air force ofthe UKIion ;
    (4) “basic holding ” means an area of Iand
    measuring ‘[two] standard acres ;

[(5)”ceiling area” mmns the extent of land
which a raiyat or landholder shall be
entitled to huId under section 37-A;]
‘[(5-a) “classes ofland” means-
Class -1-Irrigated land in which two or more
crops (i) were, in my year within a period of
three years before the commencement of the
Orissa Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, Zizt’;,
1973., grown or(@ can be grown in a year. ,f 1w3.
Class I1 —Irrigated Iand in which not more than
one crop (i) was, in any year within a period
of kee years before the &rnmencemmt of
the Orissa Land Reforms (Amendment) Act, ,ident’r
1973, grown or (ii)’cstnbe grown in a year. AC~NO. 17

Class HI-Land, bther-than. irrigated land, in
which paddy(i) was, in any ymr within a
priod of three years before the commence-
ment of>he Or issa Land Reforms (Amend- NWL
meat) Act. 1973,grown or (ii)can be grown :;fi.331T
in a year.,
Class IV-Any other Iand.
ExpIunution -For the purposes of this clause
tanks, cocoanut gardens and orchsds

  1. Omitttd by the Orissa hdReforms (Amendment) Act, 1965
    {Or.llct I3 of 1965), s. 2 {t).- .
  2. Substitdd by the Otissa Land Reforms (Amendment Act, i974
    /Or. Act 91974), a. 2 (a), read with Presidmt’s Act No.17 of $73 dond
    from the2nd October 1973.

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