Bhogra Lands, Emolument, Former State, Gountia, Gounti-Raiyati, Grama
Sasan, Right of Occupancy, Village Office

Whereas it is expedient in- the ~ublicinterest
to abolish cer(ain VjIlage Offices in the merged terri-
tories of the State of Orissa and to provide for
matters incidental thereto in the manner hereinfter .
appearing j
Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of
Orissa in the Fourteenth year ,of the Republic of
India, as follows:-

  1. (I) This Act may be called the Ori~sa~~~~~
    Merged .Territories’ (Village Ofices . Abolitiorl \c,mmoe
    Act, 1963.
    (2) It extends to the whole of the State.of
    Orissa ,and shall apply to the merged territories of
    each of the former States: specified in column 1 of
    the Schedule. .
    (3) 111shall come into force on such date2
    as the State Government may, by notScatioa,
    appoint in that behalf and different dates may be so

Temtorics comprised in ma

  1. For the Stalcment or Object.; and Rcasons. see OILS~Geelte –
    btraordinnry, dated Ihe 11th Scptembcr 1962(No.462 ) and tor Rtpor( of
    Sclcct Cammiiice,. see ibid, dated the 7th Fobruaq I963 (No.83).
    2, Grnc into [omwith cfktfrom-
    (i) Thc I st Aplil 1965 ic the.Mcrgcd’Tcrritoriqsof the Pormcr States
    or Dnspa:la, ~Candpara, Mn);Grblu nnd Nayagarh, sea .
    Notification. No 21496-I!. A-I-N.D.-3%-R., darcd &p 31st ,March 1965, Published in Orisja Gazefte, Extraordinary, dated Lhc 31st hlarch 1965( No.419 ); (ii) Thc 1st May 1965 in thc Merged TcrriCorics of the former – Slat- orBamra and Rair~kbol,see Nolification. No.24210- E, A.I. (N:D$ 5165-R.,datcd tbc 220d A il 1965, pub[ished !(lOrisin Gaxfi~,ExIfl~rdinfirydated &c Ilid APd 1965 (No.557-A); {iii! ‘rh, 1st April 1566 in Ihc M-Gcd ;1;s;ricis ol Boudh, Dbcnknnal and Sundqgarh, see :ion. No.20335E-A-I-C.-D.-41/66-R.,dared tho 31st March
    1966, i!ub:rzh .d ir: Orlrs6 Garelte, Extrzord~nary, da(cd bc
    31:’ ;:lar~:~ s'<$ ( No. 340-B);and ti;.) ‘:’hi IsL.>pi4 19-57in thr: Merged Tcirilories compdscd in (he
    GiS:ricf OC :LC ;:jh?,See Notification. NO.16333-B.~.-1~.~
    P1i67-R.. dated .the 31~tMarch 1967, published in ~fi~~
    Gazelre, &lraordma;y, dated thc 1st April 1967 (No. 336).750
    Dtfinitionr 2. Inthis Act unless the- context otherwise
    (a).”appointed date” in relation to any area
    means the dare appointed ‘in respect of
    ‘ such area by a notification :under sub-
    section (3) ofsection 1;
    (b) “Ehogra IandsYJin relation to any village
    office means lands by whatevcr name
    described or locally known; wbelher or
    not recorded , as such in the settlement
    papers, held as emolument ‘in respect -of
    such office;
    (c) “ColIector” inchides any officer,not being
    . below the’rank of an Additional District
    Magistrate appointed by the Siate Govern-
    ment to ‘perform a11 o,r any of the
    functions of a Collector under this’ Act;
    ‘(d)”emolument” in reIation to any -village
    office means salary, cash yayment,
    commission, use or enjoyment of lands
    held and all kinds of privileges and bene-
    fits in respect of or annexed to such
    office in lieu of remuneration for the
    performance of the duty appertaining
    thereto and includes- right to fees or
    perquisites in money or in kind, whether
    atfixed tiyes or . otherwise as incidental
    to such office;
    (e) “former State” means a Merged State ‘
    within the meaning of the States Merger
    (Governor’s Provinces) Order, 1949;
    (S) “Gountia” inclrldes Gountia with protected
    status; .
    (g) “~ouhti-raiyati lands” means land record-
    ed as such in the settlenlent pzpers
    in the merged territories of the former
    State ofBamra;
    (h) “Grama Sasan” means the Grarna Sasan
    constituted under the provisions of the
    Orissa Grama Panchayats Act, 1948;
    Orissa Act
    15of 1948.Orjssa Acr
    4 or 1950.
    (See. 3)
    (ij “right ofoccupancy” shall have Ibe same
    meaning as has been assigned to it in the
    Orissa Merged States’ (Laws) Act, 1950
    in respect of an occupancy tenant ;,