Laden Weight, Motor Vehicles, Motor Vehicles Act, Registered Owner, Tax,
Tax Token, Unladen Weight

Be it enacted by the Legislature ofthe State of
Orissa in the Twenty-sixth Year of toe Republic of
India, as follows :-
I, (1) This Act may be called the Orissa Motor Short titk,
Vehicles Taxation Act, 1975.
cxtcnt and
(2) It extends to the whole of the State of
(3) It shalI come into forceZon such date as the
State Government may, by notification, appoint in
that behalf.

  1. In this Act, unless the context otherwise ,,,,,,,
    (a) “laden weight” means in respect of any
    vehicle the total weight of the vehicle and
    load certified and registered by the regis-
    tering authority under the Motor Vehicles
    Act as permissible for that vehicle ;
    (b) “motor vehicIe” means, any mechanicalIy
    propelIed vehicle =[adapted] for use upon
    roads, whether the power of propulsion
    is transmitted thereto from an externaJ or
    internal source and includes a chassis to
    which a body has not been attached and a
    trailer, but does not include a vehicle
    running upon fixed raiIs or n vehicle of n
    special type S[adapted] for use only in a

factory or in any other,enclosedpremises ;

I. For Stalcrneat or Objects and Reasons see Orisso Gazette, Extra-
ordinary, daled thc 29th July, 1975 (No.1256). .

  1. It came into force with cfk~tfrom the 1st October 1975 – vide
    S. R.0.No.734175 dakd the 25th September 1975 ublished in Oris~a
    co~ern,Extra ordinary, daltd the 25th Stpiember 145(No.1614).
  2. Substirulcd by tbe Orisa Motars Vchizlc Taxation (Ammdmcnl) Act,
    1976(Or.Act 43 pf 1976), s. 2.(6) “Mbtor VelitclesqAct” mkahs- tlie’ Mote$,,,,,,
    Vehicles Act-; 1939’as amended from time
    lo time ;
    (4.”Uotor , Vehicles +Rides” meads the 0riss;i
    Motor Vehicles Rules, i940 made under
    the Mot.or VehicIes Acb -andds amended
    from tirile to time ;
  • -(f) “quifrter”. rfieans a1 Period a offthree moriths
    ammemihg onTlihk;.first day of April,, .
    the first day of July, the–firijt;daylo$
    October or the first day of Ja-nuary in
    eic6 year-;
    (g) ‘<registered owner” means the person in
    whi,seqna.lzlel’a,moTo r vehiclbis registeeed
    under the Motor Vehicles Act and tfi~.
    rulepmardethereunder ;.
    , ., Act ;-,
    (i),”tax” means the tax. leviable under this
    ‘ (h) 4~egiit~ati6n'”dciidsfegistr&tio~Adk~t
    Motor Vehicles Act and the rulis-nt’adeA
    (j:):.”ta~ingwEir” thean6-any!person’ appoin-
    ted&~th’uSt&[ G~vemmentrby; notifica-
    : t,isn:, to: e~bisklt.&:pp~!e~s and perform
    . the:duties Lmnferred~dqr. irnp~s~. upon a
    ta~jnp.~,offi~er, by:on-undeg-thsprovi’sions
    of this-&t’! may be
    ,specifiedlin:.the-notifition-:;!., . .
    ati&ef fbO& displayed (fi) “unladen weight?’ means’-the weighti-oca’: vehicle or trailer- intluding ‘ all” eqaipmehl. or$narily used with the vehicle-di;;tia’ilerr when working, including the weight of a driver or attendant ;, and where alternative Government,; (&-:”1Bx. tdlien” on a motor veGck as- an iiid’i’dtion that the tix has baeh.dhly paid’oi that no tax is pay.abls (Ij’ ~a~sp’ortdni’tfiissi~0~1er~’m’e’a?i~-the Trans- port Commissioner apppintedi.b~, the ,Statepa.rIs: or:- bodies abe: used’; tlKk’ dinladen weight, OF bhe: vehicle meansnthe iqeight- of the vehicle: witb the htaviest such. alt~rnatihe.paW or body ; (12) “year” means the financial pear ; (0) all – woyds: and’ expressian8 used ,in!this:Ac~: but not defined shall have the same rnda~iugsrds..hye.been:respectiveIy assigned to themi u~der;the Mit!o’x Vehicles Act and the Mot orvehicles.RULE! 3:. (I:), Subject.,to. the, othec, pr~vjsjans~6$ this bwor Tru Act,? on-.asd,.from.the-date%of.cbmmencement of this Act there s6all’be levied on every motor vehicle used OE-kept-for, use within. the Sthie. a t, rate (23 T’he. eaterGove~nmcnt-may by notification, from time to time, increase the ra.te of tax specified
    in the Schedule :
    provided that’ such’, in3iikas shall’ not’ in the
    agr5ggIf a e:i;teed M&: p6r cknt’ of-tke rate,specifikd:’
    in:,tEe-~bliedu16′-on the dht’d; rif’ publ~catio~. of’
    this A’ct id t~ie-GazZitte.

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