Area of Operation, Ayacut Road, Chak, Commanded Area, Distributary
System, Farmers, Field Channel, Field Drain, Irrigation System, Operational
Plan, Pani Panchayat, Warabandi, Water Allocation, Water User

Whereas, i II theState of Orissa, which is rsscntially an agricultural,State depending on an efficient
and equitable supply and distribulion of water, which-isa National:Wealth. ensuring optimum utfIisation
of water by farmers for improvement of agricultural production is the utmost need;
And whereas, scientific and systemetic c’e~elohentand maintena-cce of irrigation infrast r uclure ‘ is
considered best possible .throughfarmers’ participation;
And whereas, such FarmersyOrganisationshave to be given an effective role in the management
I .-
i and maintenance of the irrigation systenl for equitable and 2e~er.dabIesup~lyard distribution of
India as follows :-
And whereas, it isjnecessaryin the State of Orissa to enact a Jaw for fame~ participation fa the management of irrigatron systems by way of forming Pani Panchayats. Be it enacted by the LegisIature oithe State of 0rissa in the Fifty-third Year of 4h0 ~e~ubfic of CHAPTER I PRELIMINARY ,. , (2) It extends to the whoIc of the State of Orissa. .. Shaa title, 1. (1) This Act may’ be called tbe Orissa Pani ~anchayatAct, 2002. t*nt and’ Eommcu- cement (3)’Itshallcome into force’ on such: ‘ &ti ab . tte, .Govkrarient may by . *not~cation in the Oririssa Gazeffe appoint. and different’dates as may be appointed for different areas and for different-proviaiom. =tfidtiooa 2. (1) Inthis Act, unless the contextotherwise requires:- . (a) %rea of operation” in relationto Farmers’ Organisation means contiguous patch of Iand in the commanded area of an irrigation qstem as may be notifiedĀ£or the purposes ofthis Act; (b) “ayacut road” mesns a road within the area of operatian of a- Farmers Organisation,fthe purpose of irrigation and agriculture-butdoes not
incIude a road vested iq a Garma Panchayat,. Panchayat Sarniti, Zilla ,
Parishad, Municipality, Municipal Corporation or Roads -and Buildings
Department of the Government; .
‘(c) “chak” means an area irrigated by one outlet;
(d) “Chief EngineerIChief Engineer and Basin Manager” means the Chief
Engrneer under whosejurisdiction the irrigation system is situated and
includes any officer specially notified by the Government- to perform all
or any of the functions of lhe Cbief Engineer under this Act;
(e) “commanded area” means an area irrigabd or capable of being irrigated
eltber by gravitational flow or by lift irrigation any.other method
from a source funded by Government or by Coqperative Society and –
includes every such area whether it is calIed ‘ayacut’ or by any other name
under any law for tbe .time being io force.
For the Bill, see Orissa Gazette, ~xtraordinarydated the 26th March 2002
Came into.force !v., e. ,f.the 15th November 2002, vide .department’ofwate~’
Resources NQ,40881-W,R., dated the 15th November, 2002,
. .
. ,(N0,456):(f) “compe:ent authority” means the authority appointed under section 21;
(g) “distributary system” means and includes,-
(i) all main canals, branch canals, distributaries and minor cands
constructed forathesupply and distribution of water for irrigation;
(ii), structures and appkiancss connktcd with the distribution
of water for irrigation but does not include headworks; and ,
(iij) all fie~dchanncls and other related channels and structures under a
.- outlet or pipe outlet;
@) “Farmen’ Organisationm”means and includes,-.
(i) Pani ~an&a~al at-theprimary kvd consisting 01 a11 the water users,
as constituted witbin a specieed hydraulic boundary of a major,
medium, minor (flow and lift-both surface and grouud water) and
creak irrigation projects funded by Government as constituted under
section 3;
(ji) Distributary Comnittce at th~tsscoadary Icvcl, as constitut~dnnder
section 5; and
(iii) Praj~iCDmirlczat rhe project level, as constituted under section 7;
(i) “fieId channel” includes a channel existing or to be con~lructedby the
Government or by the landholdms or by any agency to receive and
distribute water from a pipe outlet;
(j) “field drain” includes a channel excavated and maintained by the land-
halder or by any other agoncy. to discharge waste or surplus water from
the landholding under a pipe-outlet; and includes drains, escape channels
and other similar Works existing,or to be constructed.
(k) “financial year7′ means a year commencing from the 1st April of the
relevant pear tothe 31st March of the ensling year;
(l)’~inanciagAgency” means any organisation or bank in India which lends
money and includerr any commercial bank,or any Co-operative Soclety or
any other bank or organisation established or incorporated under any
law, for the time being in for* which !ends money or any External
Organisationsuch as European .Gommunlty, World Bank,Kreditanstalt
Fur Wiedefaufbau (aW), Germany, Department for Intornational
Development(~~~D), U.K., etc. for the de~eIopmentofthe arm of
operation ofthe FarmcrabOrganisation;
(m)”f3overnrn:nt” means the State C)owrnment of Orissa;
(0) “hydraulicbasis” means tho basis for identifying a viable irrigated area
served by one or more hydraulic structures such as headworks, distri-
butaries, minors,pipe outlets and the like;
(0) “irrigatton systemw means a system of irrigatioa for harnessing water by
Werent methods,havingseveralty as such as major, medium, mlnor and
creek irrigation sgskrn and other akd uses from Governmint or ea-
operative source and includes reservoirs, open head channels. diversion
systems,anicuts, lift-idgation schemea. tanks, web, and the like;

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