Commercial Establishment, Establishment, Factory, Periods of work, Person
Employed, Shop, Theatre, Wages, Week

An ACT to provide for the regulation of conditions of work in shops,
commercial esiablisbmcnts, theatres and other establish-
ments and for certain other purposes.
WHEREAS it is espedient to provide for the regulation of
coilditions of work in shops, commercial establishments, theatres
and other establishments and for certain other purposes ; it is
hereby enacted as follox~s:-

  1. Short title, extent and commencement.–(1) This Act may
    be called the Pondicherry Shops and Establishments Act, 1964.
    (2) It extends to the whole of the Union territory of
    (3) It shall come into force at once.
    ess there is &thing
    repugnant in the subject or context-
    under &tide 239 of the Constitution ;
    (1) “Government” means Administrator of the Union
    territory of Pondicherry appointed by the President of India:
    (2) “child” means. a persen. why _has not completed
    fourteen years ;
    (3) “closed” means not open for the service of any cus-
    tomer or ope? to any business connected with the establish-
    ment ;
    (4) “commercial establishment” means an establishment
    which is not a shop but which carries on the business of
    advertising, commission, forwarding or commercial agency,
    or which is a clerical department of a factory or industrial
    undertaking or which is an insurance company, joint stock
    company, bank, brokers’ office or exchange and includes such
    other establishment as the Government may, by notification,
    declare to be a commercial establishment for the purposes of
    this Act ;
    (5) “day” means the period of twenty-four hours begin-
    ning at midnight :
    Provided that in the case of a person employed whose
    hours of work extend beyond midnight, day means the period
    of twenty-four hours beginning from the time when such
    en~ploymentcommences ;
    (6) “employer” means a person owning, or having charge
    of the business of an establishkent and includes the manager,
    agent or other person acting in the general manage&ent or
    control of an establishment ;
    (7) “establishment” means a shop, commercial establish-
    ment, theatre or any place of public amusement -pr entertain-
    ment and includes such establishment as the-: Government.

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