Borstal Institution, Detained, Inmate, Security of Good Behaviour

AnAct lomake provision for the establishment andregulation of
BorstalInstitutionsin6paryana]and for the detention and training
of adolescent offenders therein.
WHEREASit is expedient to makc provision for the establishment Preamble.
and regulationof Borstal Institutions in 6[Haryana] and for thedetention

  1. For thc Staremcnl of Objecfs and Reqons, see Purljob Gaett~…1926,Part I, Pages
    579-80, andfor Proceedings in Councc seePunjabLegislative Council Debates,
    Volumc IX-B,pages 1111-12. It came hohrcc on Is1 Augut, 1332.
  2. See Prrnjah Gazette, 1926, pages 809-15.
  3. For Statcmcnt of Objectsand Reasons, seePt~njabGazerte(Exha.) 1964,Pages
  4. For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Alr@b Gazette (Extra.) 1358,
    Page 546.
  5. See Haryotio Government Gazette (Exha.) dated 29th October, 1968.
  6. Substituted for Ole word “Punjab” by [he Adaptation of Laws Order, 1968.
  7. For Statement of objects and reasons, see Ha~yarlaGovernment Gnzerre
    (Extraordinary) dated 24-2-1973,Page 200.164
    [I926 :Pb.Act XI
    Shon title,
    extent and
    and training of adolescent offenders therein; and whereas the
    previous sanction of the Governor-General under sub-section (3)
    of section80-A ofthe Government ofhdiaAct has been obtained;
    It ishereby enacted as follows :-
  8. (I) ThisActrnaybecallcdfhePunjabBorstalAct,1926.
    (2) It extends to [Haryana].
    (3) It shall come into force [in the principal territories ]
    onsuch date as the 3[State] Government may be no~cationappoint
    in this behalf 2[and in the transferred territories on the 15th May,
    Definitions. 2. In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the
    subject or context,-
    (1) “Borstal Institution” means a place in which
    offenders may be detained under tllis Act and given
    sach industeal training and other instruction and
    subjected to suchdisciplinary andmord influences
    as will conducelot hcjr reformation;
    (2) “detained” means detained in, and “detenlion”
    means “detention” in a Borstal Institution;
    (3) ‘cinmate” means any person ordered to be
    detained ;
    (4) “offence” means-
    (i) an offence punishable with transportation or x~v
    rigorous imprisonment under the Indian PcnaI -of
    Code other than- 1860.
    (a) an offence pcnishable with death ;
    (71) an offence punishable under Chapter V-A
    or Chapter VI of thc said Code ;

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