Enquiry, Public Servants (Inquiries) Act, 1850

Act to confer certain powers on the ofCicers conducting enquiries
under the Punjab Civil Services punishment and Appeal)
Rules 6[and certain other Rules]

  1. For Statement OFObjects and Reasons, see Punjab Governnrenl Gaze/le
    (Extraordinary), 1955, pagc I06.
  2. For Statement of Objccts and Reasons, see Putrjab Govert~rrreritGazette
    (Ex-traordinaly), 195S, page.
  3. For S~atcrnentof Objccts and Reasons, see Purrjab Governmejrt Gazette
  4. See Haryanu Ciover~inretrlGuretle (Extra-ordinary), dated the 29th Octobcr,
  5. For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Harvo~~oGovernn~etrlGa~ene
    (Ex~mordinary),dated18-7-1 968,page 354.
  6. Added by Haryana Act 4 of 1968.
    Whcrhcr repealed, or olherwisc
    affected by legidation
    Amended by Punjab Act 17 of 1958′.
    Extendcd to the ~erriturieswhich
    immediatcly before rhc 1st Novcrnber,
    1956 wcre comprised in the State of
    Pa~ialaand East Punjab State Union by
    Punjab Act 23 of 1960′
    Amended by the Haryana Adaptation of
    Laws (Slate and Concurrent Subjects)
    Order, 19Gg4
    Amcndcd by Hqlana Act 4 of 1968′ -DEPARTMETNAL ENQUIRES I1955 :Pb. Act 8
    Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Punjab in the Sixth
    Year ofIhe Republic of India as follo~vs:-
  7. (I) This Acl may be called the Punjab Depamnental Enquiries
    Short iitle
    estcnt and Potvers Act, 1955.
    (2) It shall extend to the whole of the Slate of ‘fHaryana.1
    (3) It shall come into force at once ?[in [heprincipal terri~ories
    and onthe 30th May, 1960,in the transferred terri~ories.]
    Summoning of 2. For the purposes of anenquiry under the Punjab Civil Services
    witnesses and (Punishrncnt and Appeal) [Rules or the Punjab Police Rules] “or the
    productian of
    Punjab Tehsildar Rules, 19321 for the time being in force, the officcr
    conducting such an enquiry shall be competent to exercise the same
    powers for the summoningofwitness, and forcompelling theproduction
    of documents as are exercisable by a commission appointed for an
    enquiry u~lilerthe Public Servants flr~yuides)Act, 1859 (Act XXXW
    of 1850,)and all pcnons disobeying :illy process issued by such officer
    in this behalf shall be liable to the sane penalries as if the same had
    issued from a Court.

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