Beef, Beef-Product, Cow, Slaughter, Uneconomic Cow

[Received t?le assent of rhe Pyes’idelzt of ltzdia on tlie
2 1st ,~IIFIC, i956 md wnsfir.rr prihli.~lr~d ill tJ~c
Prinjnb Governrplrr Gaeea~ (Exlrnclriiint~ry)
of dte 27th Jutre, 19-56].
I I ( Amended by Hayma Act 6 of 19SIY I
Ywr Nu. I Sll~rl [ilia 1 Whcillcr rcpeulcd ar ulileiwirc ‘I ‘ ..F~Y..I-.CI h.0 Ian ;clna;.\nr
I I I Amended by IIaryrtna Act 13 of 1981b I
to prciibit the slaughter of cok’and its progeny in ‘[llaryana]
Be it enactcd by the Legislatun: of the State of Punjnb in the Seventh
Year of the Republic of lndia as follows :- ‘ -.

  1. For Stalrul~cnt of Objects and Reasora, we Punjab Gov~.rt~tnenf Gazette
    (Extraordinary), 1955 page 83 1.
  2. Sce Huiyano Govenlntw!? Gozerte (fik-trao~djnary), dated the 29th October, 1968.
    I nr: Punjab F~uhi’ui- -‘
    lion of Caw –
    Slaugh:cr Act, –
  3. For Statement of Objecls and Reasons, see Harya’lra Governmen( Gazette
    (Exaaordinary) 1971, page 200. , ,
    U..W’w” Y, ‘-o'”‘-“.,”
    ‘ ,Amended by ii~c iiaryir~~a Aciapiiiiiirli uf
    Laws (Sure and Concurrent Subjects) , .,
    0rdc.r. 1968′ I !
  4. Substituted for the word “Punjah” by ,$Iaryana , , Adaptahon of Laws Order,
  5. – . .,
  6. For Sralemnt df Objecls and Reasons, see ffatyaaa Go~ninretrf Guzette
    (Extraordina~) dated thc 1 1 th Mzrch, 1980 ; page 452.
  7. For stare men^ of Objects and Rrsons, sce ~ahisr, ~ovenrnrenl Gn~eir~.
    {E~uordiiary), da:>itke 17tllM?;ch, 198 1, pagc 488. 68 ?ROHIBITION OF COW 1956 : Pb. Act 15 ] SLAUGHTER Shon ritlc, 1. (I) This Act rniy be called the Punjab Prohibition of Cow estcnt and Slaughter Act, 1955. cornmcnccmcnt. (2) It ex tends to thewhole of the Stale of [Haryana.] (3) It shall come into brce atoncc2[in the principal terri tones and on thc 29th January, ,1959, in be transferred territories.] Definitions. 2. Jn this Act, unless lhere is anyrhjng repugnanl in the subjecl or context- (a) “beer’ means flesh 01 cow in any form but does not include flesh of cow contained in sealed containers and imported into ‘wqana ;I … , (b) “beef-products” include cxtraclion from beef ; ,(c) “cow” includes bull, bdlock, ox, heifer, or calf ; 3[() “export” means to take our from thc Srate of Haryana
    to any place outside the State of Haryana ;]
    (d) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules made undcr
    this Act ;
    (e), “slaughter” means killing by any method whatsoever
    and includes maiming and inflicting of physical injury
    which in the ordinary course will cause death ;
    (S) “Government” means the Government of
    ‘[Haryana] ; and
    (g) “l~neconomic cow” includes stray, unprotecred,
    infirm, disabled, diseased or barren cow.
    Prohibilion oi ‘
  8. ,.Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the
    slaughreR lime being in force or any usage or custom to the contrary, no person
    shall slaughter or cause to be slaughtered or offer or cause to he offered
    for slaughter any cow in any placc in ‘[Haryana] :
    Provided that kilIing oC a cow by accident or in self defence will
    not be considered as sl;~ughter under the Acr.

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