Land, Rent, Arrear, Tenant, Landlord, Tenancy, Estate, Land Revenue, Rate
of Cesses, Village Cess, Jagirdar, Agricultural, Improvement


  1. Title, extent and commencement.
  2. Repealed.
  3. Repealed.
  4. Definitions.
    CHAPTER n.
  5. Tenants having right ofoccupancy.
    6 Right of occupancy ofother tenants recorded as having
    the right before passing ofPunjab TenancyAct, 1868.
  6. Right of occupancy in land taken in exchange.
  7. Establishment ofright ofoccupancyongrounds otherthan
    those expressly stated inAct.
  8. Right of occupancy not to be acquired by mere lapse of
  9. Right of occupancy not to be acquired by joint owner in
    land held injoint ownership.
  10. Continuance ofexisting occupancyrights.
    Rents gel?ercr/!v.
  11. Respectiverightsoflandlordandtenanttoproduce.
  12. Commutation and alterationof rent.
  13. Payments for land occupiedwithout consent of landlord.
  14. Collection of rents of undivided prope~ty.
  15. Presumptio~lwith respect to produce removed before
    division or appraisement
  16. Appointment of referee for division or appraisementTENANCY
    11887: Act 16
  17. Appointment of assessors and procedure of referee.
  18. Procedure after division or appraisemerit.
  19. Enhancement of pro duce-rents of occupancy tenants.
    2 1 Reductionofrents referred to in the last foregoingsections.
    Cusli rentspaid by Tenul~ts/knvil~gRight of Occttpntlcy.
  20. Enhancement of cash rents of occupancy tenants.
  21. Reductionofrents referred to in thelast foregoingsection.
    Getlercll Provisiows rehti~tgto Suitsfor Etrhmlcentwt or
    Reduction ofRe~if.
  22. Enhancement and reduction of rent by suit.
  23. Discretion as to extent ofenhancement or reduction.
  24. Time for enhancement or reduction to take effect.
    A&tstment of Re?~isexpresseri ill terns of the Lnnd revenue.
  25. Adjustment ofrents expressedin term ofthe land revenue.
    27-A. Omitted.
    Alter~tio~i of Rent onAlteratio?~of Arm.
  26. Alteration of rent on alterationofarea.
  27. Remission ofrent by Courts decreeing arrears.
  28. Remission and suspension of rent consequent on like
    treatment of land-revenue.
  29. Power to depositrent incertain caseswith revenue officer.
  30. Effectofdepositintg rent.
    re cove^of rentfrom attached produce.
  31. Recovery of rent From attached produce.
    teasesfar period exceeding tern of Assessnr en#
    of Laud re*eIrue.
  32. Trca~cntoflcascsforperiodcxcccdingorequaltotcm
    ofassessment ofland revenue.
  33. Relinquishment by tenant for a fixed term
  34. Relinquishment by any other tenant.
  35. Relinquishment of part only of a tenancy.1887 :Act 161
  36. Abandonment of tenancy by occupancy-tenant.
  37. Grounds of ejectment of occupancy-tenant.
  38. Grounds of ejectment of tenant for a fixed tern
  39. Ejectment oftmantfiomyeartoyear.
  40. Restrictiononejectment.
  41. Application to Revenue-officer for ejectment.
  42. Ejectment for FaiIure to satisfy decree for mear of rent.
  43. Ejectmentoftenant fromyear toyear-bynotice.
  44. Power to make rules.
  45. Time for ejectment.
  46. Relief against forfeiture.
  47. Rights of ejected tenants in respect of crops and land
    prepared far sowing.
  48. Relief for wronghl dispossession or ejectment.
    50-A. Bar to civil suits.
  49. Barofreliefbysuitundersection9ActIof 1877.
    Power to vnryprescribed by this Clraptez
  50. Power for State Government to fix dates for certain

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