Alter and Alteration, Bye-Laws, Financial Memorandum, Society, Validation

[RecoEved the assent of tbe President on the 7th May 2002, first published

  • .’ in an extraordinary issue of the Orissa Gazelle dated the ‘

24th May, 2002 ( No. 697 ). ] ‘ ‘
‘ Biit enacted by the Legislature of the State of ‘orissain the,’Fifty-second
%em of .tho Rtpublic of* India as ,follows:-
’11 .’.>.
Short ti& 1. This Act may be called the Registration (Orissa Amendment) Act, 200!.
afSection 8. 2. In section 8 of the Registration Act, I908 (hereinafter referred to as 160f
the principal Act),-
(a) iri sub-section (I), for the words “Inspector of Registration OEces‘, the Words ‘LAdditional Inspector-General of Registration, Joint Inspector-General of Reg!stration and Deputy hspector-G eneral ‘ of ~egistration” shall be subsrituted ;and i I I the foIlowing clauses shalI be inserted before the proviso, namely:- (b) in sub-section (2), for the words “Inspect~r’, the words
“Additional Inspector-General, Joint Inspector-General and Deputy
Inspector-General” shall be subetituted.
Amcndmeat 3. In section ‘ 17 of the trincipai Act, in sub-aectioa (I), aft& clause (e),
-“U)agreement lo seII immovakle property ~ossessionwhereof has
been or is handed over to the purporled purchaser ;
(g) powe~of-attorney relating to transfer of immovable property
possession whereof has been or is handed over to the paorled
attorney holder.”

  1. In section 19-A of the princi~alAct, in subsection (21, for the words
    $msdg:t “otherwise prrparel.’, the Words ‘aothcmiss lrgibly prepared”, shdl be
    IS& substituted.
  2. After section 22 of j the principal Act, [he followirg section shall be
    inserted, namely:-
    *’2Z:A (I) The Stale Government may, by notification, declare that the
    regisfxatlon of any .document or class of documents is opposed to
    public policy.
    ,(2) Notwithstanding angthing conMined in – this AC~,the registering officer
    8hd refuse to register a document to whch a notification issued under ‘
    subection (1) is applicable.”
  3. In section 28 of the principal Act,-
    of ~eiii00-
  4. (j)fcr the word, br~cktlsand letter “and (e)”, the commas, brackets;
    letters a~dword, “(e?, (f) and (E)”shall be substituted; and
    (ii) the words “or some portion” shall be omitlcd.
  • For tbd Bill, See Orbsa Gazette; Extraordinary, dated the 3rd Decembr, 2001
    ( No.2372 )Ingcrtion of
  1. After seetion 78 of the principal Act, the followi~~gsection shall bc
    new Section inserted, namely:-
    V8 -A.
    Pqwer to
    remit r’ees.
    ‘&78-AThe State Government, if it is of the opinion that iuiy iiatrument
    which involves donation of propetty ,for public charitable purpose,
    or involves exchange of land on the initiative of the Stata
    Government in the – public interest, m’ay, by order published in
    the Gazette. remit the fees Payable in respect of. any such
    instrument.” .
  2. In section SPA ofthe principal Act, in .sub-section (1). for the words
    “and to send a-copy ,of the order made in the proceedings to the registering
    officer for the movery of the aid amount”, the words “and .to recover
    of ~ection
    , the said amount of fees alongwith the deficient amount of stamp*duv
    shall be suhituted..

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