Additional Assessment, Additional Water-Cess, Fasli Year, First Class Source
of Irrigation, Inam Land, Landholder, Settlement Notification, Water-cess,
Wet Land

An Act to provide for the levy of a[additionalussessment
additional water-cess] on certain lands in the
4[Stateof Tamil NnduJ.
BEit ervacted by the Legislatxre of the
Nadu] in the Fourteenth Year of the Rep
follows :–
Short title and I.(1) This Act may be called the 1[Tamil Naiu] 8[Addi-
ccmmencemcnr * tional Assessment and Additional Water-Cess] Act, 1963
(2) Yt shall be deemed to have come into force on
the 1st day of July 1962.


‘These words were substituted for thl= word ” Madras” by tha
Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by the
Tamil Nadu Adaptation ofLaws (Second Amendment)Order, 1969.
9 For Statement of Objects and Reasons, See Fort St, Georgs
Gazette, dated the 23rd January 1963, Part IV-Section 3, page 10,
8 These words were substituted by sectio
Tamii Nadu Additional Assessment, Additioaa
Assessment and Special Water-csss (Amendment) Act,
vadu Act 39 of 1981), which was deemed to have co
on Liie 1stJuly 1976for the words “additional assessm
water-cess, special assessment and special watercess”
were earlier substituted for the words “addi tio
additional wateress “by sec@ns 2 a11d3 of th
tional assess met^: and Additional Water-ccss (Amen
(President’s Act 4 of 1976), which came into fo
4 This expression was substituted for the expression ” State of
Madras” by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as
amended by the Tamil Madu Adaptation cf LawsJSecond Amendment)
Order, 1969,A(I~IitionalAsressl~za?tofid
dditiortal ~/utcv-(~cj,y
Act, unless the coi~t~xtotherwise re quires,–
means the additional
nt levied under section 3 or.4;
*** * * *I
“fasli year ” means the year commencingon the
“first class source of irrigation”, “second class
s source of irrigation”,
e of irrigation’bor “fifth class source
second class source of
(5) “Government “means the State Government;
(6) “inam land ” shall have the meaning assigned to
clause (d) ofsection 2 of the “Tamil Nadu] Inams
sment) Act, 1956 ?[Tamil Nadu] Act XL of 1956);
(7) ” landholder” ineans any holder of lalid under
twari settlement and includes,-
sinserted by section 4 (i) of the
and Additional Water-cas
4 of 1976), which came into
by section 4 oftho Tamil
nal Water-mas, Special
ndmeat) Act, 1980 (Tamil
o have come into force oa
“dufusal cropwmeans any crop which requlrcs water
an sijt months in a hsli year; “.
words were substituted for the word ”Madriis” by the
du’~dt~ti of Laws (S:cona ~1u:rkdmerit)Ord~r,1969, ,
flae Tamil Nadu Governmefit iAuettee
nu ~dapta!iojlof ~awt~,Order,1759. as ametlded
Dafin~tions.-4d~fitionul Assessment and [I963 :T.N. Ac
Additional Water-C~SS
l[(ii) any’persoil liable to pay lind revenue unde


(0) section 23 of the Tamil Nadu Estates'(Abolit
and Conversion into Ryotwari) Act, 1948 (Tamil. . % N
AC~XXVI of 194);. . or. ‘
(b) section 21, of the Tamil Nadu..’Inam
(Abolition and %onversioninto Ryotwari) ‘Act; 1963
Naclu Act 26 of 1963); or ,
\ 46

-.: %
i c , (c) sedtidd 15 d’the T (Abolition and Conversion’in Nadu Act 27 of. l963); j or ,iZ (Abol,.tionand Conversion into Ryotw ~aduAct 30 of 1963); or ,. I iti, ‘
, ‘ .,
(d)sectlbn 12 .of the.~amil”
(e) section 12 of the K~nyakumari
pandnravaka .* $Lands . (Abolition and :! Conversioa
~~otwaii):~dt,! 1964 (Tamil .Nadu.Act 31- of 19
I 1. I

(Abolition and Cpnversion i
Nad u Act 24 of1959)’; 1 ‘
:.>ii’i*1. <:<; This sub-clause . wissllbstitut to have been substitutbd for the foll of the, Tamil Nadu Additional Assessnic (Amendement) Act,.1972 Ranill Nadu Act 32 (n secti& i3 b’f I. ,I ,’ .I ( ‘(ii) any petson liable to pay la6d rkvehuc of the Tamil Nadu Estates (Abolition and Conversi Act,. 1948 (Tamil Sadu Act XXVI of 194$);’.
.I . .
,. . .
3 This wrrrd was i~crted6~section 4 (ii) (A)
tional Assessment and Addditional Waterhc
Aci, j37t (President’s Act 4 of 1976),wliich was d
iatoforcemthe 11th J~l~J.973. ‘ -:’.

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