Advocate, Advocates Association, Advocates Clerk, Advocates Clerks, Bar Association,
Bar Council, Cessation of Employment, Dependant, Fund, Member of the Fund,
Retirement, Stamp, Vakalat

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly received the assent of the
Governor on the 17th June 1999 and is hereby published for general info ,…ation ;-
ACT No. 25 OF 1999.
An Act to pruvide for th? Corstitutio~of a Weljare Fund for the bmejt of
Advocates, Clerks in zAe State of Tamil Nadu andfor nzatters connected therewith
or incidental thereto.
BE it enacted by the Lsgislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the
fiftieth Year of the Repilblic of India as follows :–

  1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Advocates’ Clerks Welfare Short ti* ad
    Fund Act, 1999.
    (2) It shall come into force on such date as tbe State Government may, by
    notificat~on. appoint.
  2. Jn this Act, un1e;s the context otherwise req-~ires,-
    (a) “Afvosate” mzans a pzrson whose name has been entered in the roll
    of advocates prepwed and maintained by the Bar Council under section 17 ofthe
    Advocates Act, 1961, and who is a membtr of a B3r Association or an Advocates
    (b) “Advocates’ Association” means anassociation of advocates recognixxi
    Welfare Fund Act, 1987;
    (c) “Advocates’ Clerk” means a clerk amployzd by an Advocate and recog-
    nidby such authority and in such manner as may be prescribed and who is a
    member of an Advoc.~tes’Clerk Association;
    (d) “Advocates’ Clerks Association” means an association of Advocat~~s’
    alerks recognised and registered under section 13:

(e) “Bar Associ.~tion” means an association of advocates recognised
9 1987. and registered by the Bar Council under section 13of the Tamil Nadu Advocates’
Wolfare Fund Act, 1987;
(f) “Blr C3~n:il” m:ans the Bar Council of Tamil Nadu constituted under
se;tion 3 of thz Advocates Act, 1961;
(g) ‘4C:ssation of Employment” means removal of the name of anAdvocates’
clzrkfr3.n ths S:nte r~llmnintainzd by the Committee on account of his retirement;
(h) “23 mmitte? means the Tamil Nad u Advocates’ Clerks Welfare Fund
aammittee constituted under section 4 ;
(A -Group) XP 2 EY(491)-3’b&

(i)”Dependant ” means any of the folloviing felatiues of a &ceased nkxnber
of the fuii~dihamely :-
(i) a widow, a lninor Iekiti&dte son, anufi-.-ljharried legitimate daughter or a
widowed mother ; ancl
lii) ison who has attained the age of eighteen years oy a marriled da~~ghter
who is wholly dependant on the earnings ofthe member at the tlme of h~sdeath and
is infirm ;
fJ) (‘Fund ” means the Tarnil Nadu Advocates’ Clerks welfare Fund con-
stituted under section 3 ;
(k)”Government ” means the State Government :
Bund. . ‘
(1) “Member of the Fund” means an Advocates’ Clerk admitted to the bene-
fits of the fund and contlhuing to be a member thereof undar,tM prov~sionsof the
Act ;
fn2) “Nolification ” means a notification pvhli~hedin the Tamil Ara&
Government Gazette, and the word “Notified ” shall be construed accordingly ;
In) “Retirementy’ means stoppage of employment ,as an Aclvocates’ Clerk for
reasons othei’than joining service or for carrying on any other gainful occupation,
communicated to, and recorded in the manner prescribf.d ;
lo)”Stan~p” means the Tarnil Nadu Advocates’ Clerks Welfare Fund Stamp.
and distributed under sfction 12 ;
lp) “Vakalat ” means a Vnk?latnLur,,n,niemoraniJ.r;n~of appearance or any
other document by wllicl~an Advccate or zny other focalpractitioner is empowered
to appear and plead ~eforeany court, tribunal or authority.

  1. (1) The Government shall, by notiscation, constitute a fi,nd to bz calkd the
    Tanlil Nadu Adv0ca.e~’ Clerks Welfare Fund.

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