Child, Young Person, Youthful Offender, Guardian, Approved School, Junior
Approved School, Senior Approved School


  1. Establishment and approval of schools.
  2. Management of sci~ools.
  3. Inspection of sch{)ols.
  4. Power of inspectcrs.
  5. Medica! j nspect ia ;I.
    1 1. Pow-re ofState Go~er~lment to 1b-ithdraw approval.
  6. Resignation of ~pproialby mnoage;j.
  7. Effect of ni thdra~.alor resignnti~nof approv:~J.
  8. Disposal of inmates on withdraw !I or resignatiou of approval.
  9. hi~xiiia~.yIIOIIICS.
  10. Liability of managers.
  11. Inspection of unwproved poor schools and instituti~ns.
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    . 1.920 : T.N. Act IV] Tamil Nadu c hildren
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    5 .;q,
    PART 111.
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  12. Detention and release on bad of childrcn and young ixrsons.
  13. Custody iii certain cases pending iuquisy or trial.
  14. Remand or committal to custody.
  15. Attendance at court of parent of child or young person
    charged with an offence, etc.
  16. Sentences that may not be passed oc a child. Sentences thjl
    may be passed on a child.
  17. Commitment of offenders between twelve and eighteenyears 1
    ‘ of age to approved schools.
  18. Period of detention.
    25 Power to discharge youthful offender or to place him j,
    suitable custody.
  • iq
    -<>. @
  1. Power to order parent to pay fine, etc., instead of child .:
    or yout~gperson.
  2. Detention in the case of certain zr’mes co~nmittedby
    children or young persons
  3. Methods of dc!.rlin,n ~ithshildreo and young, persons
    charged with offences.
    PART IV.
  4. Childrel~liable to be scnt to junsior approved rcf~ools ;
    power to place cllild to suitable custody ;and power to
    place youllg person in suitable custody.
  5. Uncontrof.lable chilldren.
    PART V.
    :Contribution of parent.
    B1.E CUSTODY33. Placing out on licei~ceand power to order parent to produce
    a youthful offender or child who rcfuscs lo return 10 school
    wl~enlicence has been revoked.
  6. Penalty for abetting escape of youthful offender 01- ~h:ld.
  7. Discharge and transfer.
    35-A. Transfers bctwccn approvcd scl~oolsand schools of like
    nature in different parts of India.
    35-B. Child to be placcd under the s~tl~esvisionof a probation
    PART VT,
    36, Juvenile Courts.
    PART VI-A.
    36-A. Punishnlent for cruelty to child~.c~~ and young persons.
    36-B. Employing children and young persons for begging.
    36-C. Peila1t.y for giving intoxicating liquor or dangerous drug
    to child or young person.
    36.~.Penalty for permitting child or young person to enter
    places where liquor or dailgerous drug is sold.
    36-E. Inciting child ar youi~gperson to bct or borrow.
    36-F. Taking on pledge or put chas:i~gasticlcs from child or
    young person.
    36-G. Allowing or permitling chiltf tn young prrson to be in

.. .- –

36-H. Youiig girls exposed to risk of seduction, efc.
-26-1. withholdhg of or jiving on eas~~ingsof child employ
36.3. Offences uncles this Part cognizable.

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