Cinematograph, District Collector, Place

[TAMIL NA’DU] ACT No. IS01; 1955
(Received tlre assofit of the Gover.,:or on the 19tR April1955 ;
firrt pribliskztl i~zthe Fort St. Gecrgo Gazette on the
27th lqwil1955.)
An Act to provide for the regulatioof cxl~ibitions by nxansof cincmalographsinthc 3[Yratt ofTnn:ilNadu]. WHER~ASit is CXI)CC~L to providc for 1he t’cg~~latjonof
exhibitioos by meails of cincrniltog~.aphsin t hc S[State of
Tamil Nadu] ;
BEit cnactcd in tlx Sixth year of (hi: Republic of litdin
as follows:–
extent and
mznt .

  1. (I) This Act may be callid tl~cl[Tii~~~ilNadu]
    Short title, Cinemas (Regula.tion) Act, 1955;

(2) It extends to ti13 whole ci’ thc: 3[Steof Tarnil. Nadu.1 (3) It shall come into fxce on *such datc as the Government may, by notification, appoint. *These word. were substituted for tlre word 4~Madras”by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1963, as ;\mended by the Tamil Nadu Adaptaiion af Laws (Second Amenclment) Order, 1969. 2For Statcment of Objects and Reasons, sec Fort St. Ceorm Gazette, Extraardinary datedthe 6th December 354, Part IV-A, Page328. This Act was extcnded to the Ka~ryakumaridistrict and the Shencottah taluk of the Tirunelveli dislrict by section 3 of, avd the Schedule to, the Tarnil Nadu (Transfc~.rcdTerritory) Extension of Laws,. Act, 1957 (Taxnil Nad11 Act XXIl of I957), repealing the corresponding law i:~forcein that territory. ‘This Act was extended to the added. territories by section 3 of, and the First Scheduleto, the Tamil Natl~t(Added Tel-1-itories)Exten* sion of Laws Act, 1952 (Tamil Nadu Act 14 of 1962), repealing the corresponding law in fot cc i n +!lc>cctarritoric’q. aThis exprcssian tjr,:.: sbsfitl~ted for the cxpression .’State
of Madras” by thc T:!i,iil Nadu Arlnplnti~tr~c)f I,aws Qrdcr,
1969, as;:tmcnded by I llc rl’anlil N:.tdla .2ctnpr:l ioi; OF T,:IWC (S~COILC!,
Amet~dment)Order, 1069.
*Ganc into ft3rc.i: on the 30th h’l:ty 135t’;.. a’
.,(I) a.’cinemtograph”indnds any ‘

reprepresenfation of mSngpictmesorrcrit5=es;


. . (2) “District Collec@r” inrelation to ihepresidency- ‘

tow*, meansthe CommissionerofPolice, Madras;. .

(3) ”Government” means the St at&Government;

.’ (4)’ “notification” means a notification publishem

(5) “place” includes a house, building, tent and any

description of transport, whether by water, land or air ;:#

(6).’cprescribed” means preecribed by rules made .

under this Act.

  1. Save as otherwise provided in this Act, no personcinemata-
    shallgiveanexhibition by means of a cinematographelse- graph.
    where than in a place licensed under this Act, or otherwise
    than in compliance with any conditions and restrictions
    imposed by such licence.
    ‘[3-A. NOper ion shall be eligible for apply: n’n g f& a DisqualiLation
    licenceif he has been convicted of an offcnce und.el clause for holding a
    (a) or clausc (c) ofsection ofthc 2[TamilNadu] Entar- licence,
    tainments Tax Act, 1939(2[Tamil Nadu] Act X of 1939),
    unless a period of two years has elapsed since his
    4.1The authority having power to grant licencesunder Licensing
    this Act (hereinafttr referred toas the licensing au1horiiy)i~thorit~.
    shallbe the District Collector;

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