Consolidate and Amend the Law relating to Civil Courts, District Court,
Pendency of Cases

An Act to consolidate and amend the law
relating to the Civil Courts of the 3(State
of Tamil Nadu) subordinah to the High
WHEREASit is expedient to consolidate end
amend the law relating to the Civil Courts of the
SCState of Tamil Nadu] subordinate to the High
Court ; It is hereby enacted as follows :-


  1. This Act may be called “The 2(Tamil Nadu)
    Civil Courts Act, 1873 “.
    4[It extends to the whole of the State of Tamil
    1For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Gazette of In&,
    1873, &’art V, page 173 ;for Report of the Select Committee ree
    ibid, page 696 ;for Proceedings in Council relating to the Bill, see
    ibid, supplement, 1870, page 900 and ibid, 1878, pages 3, 16 and
    Short titla.
    Local extent,
    Ttlis Act wttx oxtonded to the merged Stato of Pud~lrkottoiby
    section 3 of, and the First Schedule to, the Tamil Nadu Merged
    States (Laws) Act, 1949 (Tamil Nadu Act XXXV of 1949).
    This Act was extended to the ganyakumari district and the
    Shencottah taluk of the Tirunelveli district by adotion 3 of, and the
    Schedule to, the Tamil Nadu (Transferred Territory) Extension of
    Lawn Act, 1957 (Tamil Nadu Act XXII of 1967), repealing the
    correspondinglow in force in that territory.
    This Act was extended to the added territories by section 3 of,
    and the First Schedule to, the Tamil Nadu (Added Territories)
    Extension of Laws Act, 1962 (TamilNedu Aot 14 of 1962), which
    2 These words were substituted for the word uMadras “by the
    came into forceon the1st day of Deo-ber
    Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Lewa Order, 1969, asamended by the
    Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Lawe (Seoond Amendment) Order,
    1969, which oame into foroe on the 14thJanuary 1969.
    a This expression was substituted for the expression “Madra#
    Presidency ” by the Tamil Nedu Adsptation of Lewe Ordw,
    1970, which ww deemed to have come into foroe on the 14th
    January 1969.
    4 This paragraph was substituted for the original reoond
    paragraph by {bid.I 1873 :Cen. Act 1111 Civil Courts 129
    And it shall come into force on the 1st day of commenoe.
    March 1873.
  2. [Repeal of certain enactmenk. Repealed by the
    Repealing Act, 1873 ((hztral Act XI1 of 1h’i3j.I
    PART 11.
  3. The number of District (heretofore designated ~b ,,f
    Zila) Courts to be established or continued under Dietriot
    this Aot, ehall be fixed, and may from time to
    time be altered, by the l[State Government :]
    the state of business pending before the Judge of &:?
    3[3-A. When in the opinion of the High Court, A pointment
    any District Court (hereinafter called the ‘District Judges.
    Judge ‘) so requires, the l(State Government) may
    appoint one or more Additional Distriot Judges to
    that Court for such period as they may deem
    The Additional District Judges so appointed
    shall disoharge all or any of the functions of the
    District Judge under this Act or any other law for
    the time being in force which the District Judge may
    assign to them, and, in the discharge of those
    functions, they shall exercise the same powers as the
    District Judge.]

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