Cultivating Tenant, Landlord, Pay, Public Trusts Act, Tenants Protection Act

,paAct to provide relief to cultivating tenants in respect of
arrears gf rents.
WWEREASby theTamil Nadu Cultivating Tenants (Protec-
tion from Eviction) Act, 1976 (President’s Act 36 of 1976).
cultivating tenants in the State were given protection from
eviction on the ground of arrears of rent ;
ANDWHEREAS the said Act will be in force only up to and
inclusive of the 15th July 1980 ;
ANDWHEREAS after the expiration of the said Act, it will be
difficult for the cultivatingtenants to pay the entire arrears
outstanding on the 16thJuly 1980 ;
ANDWHEREAS due to default in the payment of arrears of
rent, landlords may take action against cultivating tenants
for eviction and for recovery of arzears ofrent ;
ANDWHEW, in the interests 6f the genera1 public,
cultivating tenznts should, at the presenl time, be spared
the distractions and expenditure involved in such action
in order that the maximum possible advantage may result
to the State in the matter of production of food crops ;
‘WHBRBAS it is considered necessary, as part of agrarian
reform, to give relief to cultivating tenants from the heavy
burdens of discharging arrears of rent, cncertain conditions
BEit enacted by the Legislature of the State of Tamil Nadu
in the Thirty-first Year of the Republic of India as
follows :-

  • For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Tamil Nadzt Govern-
    mn; Gazette extra or dinar^, dated the 7th Februery 1980,Part N.
    S~C~~OA 1, page 53, 40 CuItivating’~en~nts Arteats of Rent (Relief) [I980 g T.NA& ._ 15
    mantitle- 1. This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Cultivating
    . Tenants Arrears of Rent (Relief) Act, 1980.
    Declaration. 2. It is hereby declared that this Act is for giving effect .
    to th.: policy of the State towards securing the principles
    laid down in Part IV,and in particular clause(c) of Article
    39 and Article 46 of the Constitution.
    Dcmtions* 3. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requkes,-
    (a) ;’competent authority ” means the Revenue
    Divisional Officer or authorized officer having jurisdiction
    to entertain a proceeding for the eviction of a cultivating
    tenant under the Tenants Protection Act or the Public
    Trusts Act, as the case may be ;
    (b) 66 court ” means-
    (i) any court in which any suit or proceed*g for the
    recovery of any arrears of rent from a cultivating tenant is
    pending on the date of the publication of this Act ;or

    (ii) any court which has passed a decree or order
    for such recovery ;

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