Inam Rule, Reversionary Rights, Annual Quit Rent, Enfranchisement of Land

aAn Act to declare what shall be proof of tho
enfranchisement of inams.
WHEREAS* * * * under the inam rule8fi&btp!
Wionedby Uovernment under date the 9th August,
1869, the reversionaqy rights of Government are
surrendered to the inamdars, in consideration of an
equivalent annual quit-rent, and the inam lan& are
thus enfianohieed, and placed in the mme position a8
otherdwriptionsof landedproperty, in regardtotheir
future sucoesaion and transmission i It is hereby
enacted as followsr-
[Enactments not to apply to enfranchised iraama.)
Rep., Central Act XI of 1901.

  1. Thetitle-deed issued by the Inam Commissioner, Evidence of
    or an authenticated extract from the register of the enfranohise-
    Commissioner or Collector, shall be deemed sufEcient
    proof of the edhnchisemenb of land previously held
    on inam tenure.
    1These wordr, were subetituted foe the word ”Medr~”by the
    Tamil Nedu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as emended by tha
    TdNndu Adaptation of Lawe (Seoond Amendment) Order, 1869,
    which oame into fomon the 14th Jeaw1969.
    a Short title, “The MadrasEnfranchisedIO.msAct, 1862” wad
    given by theRepealing andAmen* Act, 1801(htdAcf aof
    Nothing in this Act is tobe deemed to confer on any inem holder ,
    anyright tolend whioh he would not otherwise poseesrt-ses s.l,Tarnil
    Nedu Act WIof 1869.
    a,This title WM substitutedfor the origins1 title by the
    and AmendingAct, 1901(CentralAot Xlof l~Ol)-Ssomd~,7

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