Allied Activity, Beach Worker, Dealer, Boat Builder, Dependent, Employer,
Fish Farm, Fish Product, Fisherman, Fund, Labourer, Net Mending Worker,
Peeling Worker, Processing Labour

An Act to provide for comprehensive social security and for ensuring well being
of fishermen and labourers engaged in fishing and other allied activilr~~.
BE it enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the State of Tamil Nadu in the Fifty-eighth
Year of the Republic of India as follows:-
extent and

  1. (1) This Act may be called the Tamil Nadu Fishermen and Labourers engaged Short title,
    in Fishing and other Allied Activities (Social Security and Welfare) Act, 2007.
    (2) It extends to the whole of the State of Tamil Nadu.
    (3) It shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by
    notification, appoint.
  2. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,-
    (1) “allied activity” means an activity of a person who is working as beach
    worker, peeling worker, processing labourer, b6at building yard worker, net mending
    worker, or small scale fish distributor for his livelihood.
    (2) “beach worker” means a person who is employed in fishing harbours or
    fish landing centres or fish landing sites to carry out activities such as,-
    (a) unloading of fish from fishing crafts to fish baskets;
    (b) transportation of fish baskets to auction site or icing site;
    (c) ‘Iransportation of trash fish or, small fish, to curing site;
    (d) sorting ~f fish at the landing site, unloading and crushing of ice,
    packing of fish with ice in boxes and loading of packed boxes into vehicles used for
    (e) loading of fish directly from boats to lorries, sale of ice in the fishing
    harbours or fish landing centres;
    (f) cleaning of auction hall, fishing crafts and supplying water for fishing
    (3) “Eoard” means a Board established under Section 5;
    (4) “boat buildirg yard worker” means a worker who is engaged in construction
    and repairing of fibre rei: forced plastic and wooden boats;
    (5) “dealer” means any person who carries on, within the State of Tamil Nadu,
    the business of buying or sellillg or processing, fish or exporting fish in raw or in
    processed form or fish p-oducts and includes,-
    (a) a comnlission agent, a broker or any other mercantile agent, by whatever
    name called; and
    (b) a non-resident dealer or an agent of a non-resident dealer or a local
    branch of a firm or company or association situated outside the State of Tamil Nadu;
    (6) “dependent” in relation to a registered member means ally of the relatives
    of such member as specified below:-
    (i) wife or husband, as the case may be;
    (ii) children;
    (iii) widow and children of the pre-deceased son; and
    (iv) parents;
    (7) “employer” means a person who engages labourers;
    (8) “fish” means fish of all varieties including prawn, lobster, shell fish, clam,
    squids and any other aquatic organism exploited commercially for edible purpose or for

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