Existing Inam Estate, Inam Estates Abolition Act, Minor Inam, Minor Inams
Abolition Act, Part Village Inam Estate, Transferred Territory, Whole Inam
Village in Pudukkottai

ACT, 1963.
[~eceivedthe assent of the President on tile 28th January
1964, jirst prtblislred in the Fort St. George Gazette
011 the 5th Cjbrrtlrry 1964 (Magha 16, 1885).]
An Act to provide for the drrernzinatiun of questions wllether
any nor!-ryotwari urea irl the 3[State of Tamil Nadd
is or is not trrz ~xi~~ting inam estnte, o part village inam
esfcrte,(i minor irrcrrrt or rc wllok irrtlm village in Puduk-
li 01tni.
BEit enncicd by the Legislature of the 3[State of Tamil
Nndul in the Foorteenth Ycar of the Republic of India
as follows :–

  1. (1) This Act ma;. ~”.~I’~d thy l[‘i’arnil Nadu] Inms
    (2) It shall come into force on such date as the State
    and application.
    ‘ 1. .
    colnmencenlent (Supp1e~nent;lry)Act, 1963. ,
    Gnvxnment msy, by notification, appoint :
    41Provitled that in respect of the transferred territory,
    it shall come into force on a date to be appointed by the
    State Government which date shall be after the publication
    of the ][Tarnil Nadu] Tnams (Supplementary) Amend-
    rnerlt Act, 1968, in the *Fort St. George Gazette.
    1 ~hesewords were substituted for the word “Madras” by t11e
    Timil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by the
    Tdmil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Order, 1969.
    TorStatement of .- Objects and Reasons, see Fort St. George
    Gazette Extraordinary, dated the 14th August 1963, Part IV-Smion
    3, pages 265-266,
    8 This expression was substituted for the expmion “State of
    Madras” by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969,
    as amendsd by the Tamil Nadukdaptation of Laws(Second Amen I.
    mth:: Order, 1969.
    4 This proviso was added by section 2 (i) of the Tamil Nadu
    Inms(Supplernentary) Amendment Act, 1968 (Tamil Nadu Act
    8 of 2968).
  • Now zhe TadNa& Government Gazetre.*
    -. -*
    Inqms (Suppl$~pt~:y) , .
    all non-ryotwari areas in the ‘[State
    In this Act, unless the coytext otherwise requires,– Definic
    estate ” shall have the same
    of section 2 of the Inam Estates
    (b) “Inam Estates Abolition Act ” means the %[Tamil
    adu] Inam Estates (Abolition and Conversion into
    Ryotwari) Act, 1963 ;
    shall have the same i~~eaningas
    f section 2 of the Minor Inams Abolition
    (d) “Mi~orInam Abolition Act ” means the SITamil
    adu] Minor Inams (Abolition and Comrersion into
    yotwari) Act, 1963 ;

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