Appointed Day, Assistant Settlement Officer, Land, Lease, Lease-hold, Lessee,
Owned Land, Rent, Ryot, Settlement Officer, Tribunal

Act to provide for the termination of leases of certain
lease-holdr granted by the Government, the acquisi-
tiu~of ih2 rights of lessees in such lease-holds and the
introductiorz of ryotwuri settlervt~nt in such lease*
slature cf the “State cf Tamil
Ycas of the Rcpvblic GI India
be called the lIT;mil Pkdu] L;trs,-
(Abolition and Conversion into Ryokqari) Act,
(2) It extends to the lease-holds specified in the
(3) It shall come into force on sucli date n9 tlte
notificalion, appoint,
vcmmcnt may, by notification, amend Power tc?
iitxted for the word “M~drii~”by t hi:
aws Order, 1969, as arslenied by the
f Laws (Second Amendfnent)Order,
ts and Reasons, see l%rt St, George
d the 30th September 1961, Part IV*
tuttd for the expression “State of
daptation of Laws Order, 196;, -q
u Adaptation of Laws (Second
w-*..- -A-
Short til?e,
extent and
I 1.5 1
alnend the t.
Sch;l.l,,le.I r6
Lease-holds (Abolition and [I963 : T.N. Act 27
Conversion into Ryotwari)
(2) Where the First Schedule is amended bj omit-
ting t11:rcirorn any loasc-hold,-
(i) the provisions of this Act shall be deemed
never to havo applied to that lease-hold, and every pro-
ceeding taken under this Act and pending in respect of
tLclease-hold. sbll abate ;
(ii) any amount paid undcr this Act to the lessee
or otl~crp-rson in respect of that lease-hold shall with
interest thereon at tliret- pcr ccnt per ::nnull: be rccovcr-
able as if it were an arrear of land revenue.
(3) A11 irfcrences made in this Act to the First Sche-
dule shall b- consid-red as relatirlg to tht said Schedule
as for the time bcing amendcd in exercisc of the powerr
co~ferrcdby sub-section (1).

  1. In this Act, unless the context otherwice requires,-
    (a) “appuinted day” means the date appointed by
    the Government under sub-section (3) of section 1 :
    Provided that-
    (i) whcre the operation of this Act ia respect of a
    least-hold hzs been stsycd cr intcrrupted by order of a
    Court, Tribuizal or othcr comp~tentauthority constituted
    under any law for tltr: time bcing in force, “‘appointed
    day” men 1s the datc, fmm which ~hcGovernm3nt have
    been in uninierrupted possession of the lease-hold ;
    (ii) in relation to a lease-hold added to the First
    Schedule by a notification under sub-section (1) ~fwc-
    tion 2, “appointed day” means the date on which the
    said noiificati~nwas publishcd in the *Fort St. George
    (b) “Assistant Settlement Officer” in relation to
    any lease-hold means the Assistant Settlement Officer
    appointed under section 6 ;
    (c) “Government” means the State Government ;
    (d)”land” rncans a@ land in a lease-hold ;
    (e) “lcnsc” in relaticn to any lease-hold means the
    lt2se under whicll the lessze held the lease-hold undn
    rh: Gov;rnr?.:r: immidiatcly befo:re th- appoint2d &day;

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