Inspector, Lift, Lift Car, Lift Installation, Lift Way, Lift Way Enclosure, Owner

The following Act of the Tamil Nadu Legik.lative Assemt)l~I LLCIVC~ 1/12
assent of the Governor on the
general information :-
17th May 1997 and is hereby puI)l~~hedIL
ACT Yo. 35 OF 1997.
An Act to provlc e fur the regulation oi ti:e erectloi!, ~nalntel~arlcedrii’ bale
working of certam cbsses of lifts alld ;’I1 mac1.i: ery .ia ”pphratus rerta~ni::t; cl eto
in the Stdte oi’ Tamil Nacl u a.l,, to provide for :n.ifter\ ~c,ilnectedttlerewitl?.
BE it enactccl by the Le~islative,\esembly oi’ the State of T:in-,il Naci u i:: the
Forty-eighth Year of the Republic ot 1.mia as follows :-3
1, (1) This ~ctmay be called the Tamil Nadu Lifts Act, 1997.
(2) 1t exterlcis to t hc whole .ofthe State of ‘Tamil Nauu.
(3) Itshall come into force ork suchdateasthe Gowernment may, by notifica-
tion, appoint.

  1. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,-
    (a) “Governme~t” lnesns the State Government ;
    (b) ”Inspector ” means theInspector of Lltts appointed under section 3 8
    (c) “lift ” me3.insa hoisting mechanism designed to carry passengers or
    good! or bothand equippcc: with a car which moves in a substantial vertical direction
    and IS worked by power, but does not include a hoist or lift to which the Fnctorles
    Act, 1948 applies.
    Explanation.-For the purpo? of this clause, “power ” means electrical
    energy or any other form of energy which is lnecl~anicallytransmitted and is not
    gaterated by human or animal agency ;
    (a) “lift car ” means the cas6’or of a lift and includes the floor or
    vkffonn. car flame, sling and enclosing body work :
    (e) “11ftinstallatioi-” inciudesthslil t car, the lilt w.ay, tlie iift way cnclosurc
    and the operating ~echtxiismof the lift aid all ropes; cables, wires alid plant,
    directly connectee witl~.the operation of the litt ;
    (f) ”lift way ” mqnsthe” shaft in which the lift car travel: ;
    (g) .I’lift way enclo’sure ;’ includes any perinanent substantial otructul
    surrounding or endosingthe lift way ;
    Ch) “owner ‘l incl~des-.-
    (i) a lessee,
    (ii) a licensee,
    I v , ..
    (liil a mortgagee in possession, and
    (ivj itlry person or authority to whom or to wfiich,the possession ot, and
    control over the (tffiirsof, the place in which a lift has beefi erected an- work has
    been entrusted, whether such persou or authority is called a managing trustee, an
    agent, a corresporwent, manager, w~nerintende~rt,secretary or hy any other name
    . 3. TheCJovemnenimay, bynstification,appeint oneor morepersons possessing
    such qu~liiicicetionsis rnay. be prescribed to be inspectors for the purlrose$ of this
    Act apd a:.’ecify ir, sucl?notification the local limits of their jurisc!ictio,n.
  2. ~1)No owner of a phce shall on and after the cornn~egcen?egtof this 4ct
    &ect a lift in such ?lace exwX unc’cr, and i,~ucc:ordance with Irrey3ir;uiogg*r\tqr


(2) Every applicatio~lfor perlllission to erect a lift shall oe made in writing
tc, the 11 spector ana shall bc acco,~lpioiedby sucii fee not exceeding one thousand
ruFees as may be prescriber. a: d s..;~llcoi.tain the followilig particulars, namely :-
(a) the type of the lift ;
(b) the rated ~naxi~nunl s!)eeu of the lift ;
(c) the maker’s qr iesigne~’~rated capacity in weight ;
(d) the maximum number of passengers in addition to thelift operator which
tbelift can carry ;
(e) the t~talweight of the lift Car carrying the maximum load (weight of
car plus maxlmum allowaole loau) ;
(f) the weight of the counter weight ;
(g) the number, description, weight and size of the supporting cables ;
(h) the depth of the pit from the lowest part of the car when at the lowest
floor ;.

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