Begging, Special Home, Workhouse

An Act to provide for the preveptbn of
begging afar the detention and employment of
beggers and their dependents in work-houses or
special homes, and for the) custody, trial and
punishment of beggar offenders in the 4[State
of Tamil Nadu.]
WHEREASit is expedient to provide for the prevention
of begging ‘[for the detention and employmel~t of
beggars and their dependents in work-buses or
special homes, and for the custody, trial and puish- ment of beggar offenders in the ‘(Stn te of Tamil Nadu)]. -. ‘These wotds were substituted for the word “Madras by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Order, 1969. For Statement of Objects and Reasons, see Fort St. George Cnzrltc, dated the 10th October 1944, Part IV-A, page 104. This Act was exte~edto the merged State of Puduklcottai by section 3 of, and the First Schedule to, the Tamil Nadu Merged States (Laws) Act, 1949(Tamil Nadu Act mof1949). This Act was extended to the Kanyakumari district and the Shencottah taluk of the Tirunelveli district by section 3 of, and the Schedule to, the Tamil Nadu (Transferred Territory) Extension of Laws Act, 1957 (Tam!l Nadu Act XXII of 1957) repealing the corres- ponding law in force 111 that teCltOY. a Thestwords were substitutad for,!he words “hthe hoyince of Madras except the City of Madras by section 2 of the Tamil prevention du of Bem-ng (Amendment) Act, 1964 (Tamil Nadu
4ct 40 of 1964).–
‘[It is hereby enacted as follows :–I

  1. (I) This Act may b~ called thz “[Tamil Nadu]
    extent and Prevention of Begging Act, 1945.
    (2) It extends to the whole of the 3[State of .;
    Tamil Nadu].
    *(3) Thts section shall come into force at once ;
    and the 5[State] Government may, froin time to time
    by notification in the Fort St, George Gazette, direct
    that the rern-lining provisions of this Act shall come
    into force in such local area and on such date, its mav
    be specified in the notification.
  2. In this Act, ullless there is anything repugnant
    in tha subject or context-
    6[(1) .begging’ means-
    (i) solicit~ngor receiving alms in a public
    place, whether under the pretence of singing, dancing,
    perforning tricks or selling articles or otherwise ;
    (ii) entering on any private premises for the

purpose of solicitirlg or receiving alms ;

1 These words were substituted for the paragraph containjng the
enacting formula and the paragraph preceding that paragraph by
section 5 of the Tamil Nadu Re-enacting and Repealtng (No. I)Act,
1948 (mn~ilNadu Act VII of 1948).
These words were substituted for the word “Xladras” by the
Tamil N:~duAdaptation of Laws Order, 1969, as amended by the
Tatnil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment)Order, 1969.
a l’his,~xprrssion was substituted for the expression “State of
Madras by ibid.
4 The words “except the City of Madrasswele omitted by section 3 of the Tamil Nadu Prevention of Begging (Amendment) Act, 19M (Tamil Nadu Act 40 of 1964). 6 Thisword was substituted for the word “Provincial “by the
Adaptat~onOrder of 1950.
6 The original clause (1) of section 2 was re-numbered as clause
(1-A) of that se~tionand this clause (1) was inserted by section 4 (i) ‘ *,
of tho, Tam11Nadu Preventton of Begging (Amendmant) Act, 1964
(Tam11Nadu Act 40 of 1964).

  • Section 1 =me into Force on the 17th July 1915. The
    sections wmapplied to cortain portions of the Sntebynoti&a
    hued from time to tho.. ?, 1945 :T.N. Act XI14 Prevention of Begging 931
    (iii) exposing or exhibiting, with the object
    of obtaining or extorting alms, any sore, wound,
    injury, deformity or disease, whether of himself or
    df any other person or of ail animal ;
    (iv) allowing oneself to be used as an exhibit
    fdr the purpose of soliciting or receiving alms ;
    but does not incliide soliciting or recciving money
    or food or gifts for such purposes as may be prescri-
    i 1 l[(I-A)] ‘~uvFnilt:Court ‘ means a Court es-
    tablished under sub-section ( of section 36 of the
    “Tamil Nadu] Children Act,1)1920, and if no such
    Court is estdblished in any area, a Sub-divisional
    Magistrate ur a Magistrate of the fiist* or second
    class* specially authorized by the 3[State]Government
    to exercise the powers of such Court.

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