Embezzlement of Public Money, Falsification, Destruction or Concealment of
Public Money

The jurisdiction vested in Collectors, Extendon .
Subordinate Colleotors and Assistant Collectors, by jaridiotion of ‘
Regulations IX of 1822′ and VII of
‘[*** **I, in oases of embezzlement of publio money, and of the falsification. destruction or concealment of of embed.- ment, etc., to similar 1 The short title was iven by the Repealing and Amending offenocrr by pe~- Aot. 1001(Central Aot X! of 1801). sons of oerlain olaeees. This Aot wna declared by the Lawn Local Extent Aot, 1874 (Central Act XVof 1874), 6. 4 and the Second Schedule, to be in force in the whole of the State of Tamil Nadu exoept the territories mentioned in the Sixth 8chedule io that Aot. ThisAct was extended to the Kanyekumari district end the Bhencottrh taluk of the Firunelveli dirtrict by section 3 of, and the Fimt Schedule to, the TatnilNedu (TransferredTdbry) Extoneion of Lane Act, 1960 (Tamil Nadu Act 23 of 1960).which came into force on the 181 April 1961, repenling tho oorreapondin# law in that territory. Thane worda were aubrtituted for the word “Madlea ” by the TdNadu Adaptation of Lawe Order, 1969, as amended by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (SecondAmendment) Order, 1969, which came into force on the 14th January 1969. i 8 Thewordr and 5 rw “It ir hereby ensoted, that from the i Uteenth day of ~eoem’r. I837,’were repenled by the Repealing
Aot. 1870 (GntrdAot XIV of 1870).
4 The words of the Madras Code “were omitted by para’
graph 4 of. and the Schedule to, the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of
Lawn Order. 1970, which WM deemed to have come into foroe on
tho 14th January 1969.
TheTamil Nedu Revenue lKalversation Regulation, 1848.
?* The Tamil Nadu Buboidinate CoUeotora and Revenue M&l-
verution (Amendment) Re#ulation, 1828.94 Public Property [I837 : Cen. Act XXXVI
srng public account, record, voucher or document
relating to public money, shall extend to casea of
the embezzlement of any public property or the
fsllsification,destruction or concealment of any publio
account, record, voucher or document, relating to any
public property, by any person of any of the classee
described in the third clauee of seotion 2 of the said
Regulation IX of 1822.*

  1. l* * * * All provisions of either of the said Regu-
    rdating to
    Ext.nrion of
    eto., to nimilu apply to cases of the embezzling of public property
    to cases of the embezzling of public money, sh&U
    anmtmenta IationsIXof 1822andVIIof1828,* whiohapply
    by per*whatever, by persons of any of the classes described
    in the third clause of section 2 of the said Regula-
    tion IX of 1822* : * * * all provisions of either of
    those Re~ulations,which apply to cases of the
    falsification, destruction or concealment of any publio
    account, record, voucher or document relating to
    publio money, shall apply to cases of the falsifica-
    tion, destruction or concealment of any public
    account, record, voucher or document, relating to
    any public property whatever, by persona of any of
    the said claeses.

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