Repealing and Amending Act

An Act to repeal certain enactments and to amend certain
other enactments.
WHBREASit is expsdient that the enactments specified in
the First Schedulewhich are spentorhaveotherwisebecome
unnecessary, or have ceased to be in force otherwise than
by expressed specific repeal, should be expressly and
specifically repealed ;
Amw~masit is also expedient that certain amendments
should be made in the enactments specified in the Second
Schedule ;
BEit enacted in tbc Sixth Year of the Republic of India
as follows :-

  1. This Act may be called the ‘r]ramilUNadu]Repealing Short title.
    and Amending Act, 1955.
  2. he enactlnents specified in the First Schedule are Repeal of
    hereby ~epealedto the rxt-nt mentioned in the fourth ceriain
  3. The enactments specified in the Second Schedule are Ameudment
    hereby amended to the extant and in the manner mentioned
    in the fourth column.thereof.
    this Act of any cnactment shall not Savings*
    tment in which tho repealed enactment
    corporated or referred to;
    of certain
    .enactments. 47;,, ,
    this Act shall not affect the validity, invalidity,
    nsequenks of anything already done or suffied,
    op any right, title, obligation or liability already acquireci, -‘,
    i~h~sawords wcrc sybstituted for the word “Madras *’ by the
    .,) =? .
    Nndu Adapt,tt ion of Laws Order, 1969,aas amended by the :
    Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Order, 1969. .

,.+ -3
,rbtemmt of dbjects andRewnb, sic Art St. Ge~rge~aztti3′
I’ IV-A, dated the 17th August 1955, pages 186-187.
.ai”i ‘
$–~epealingand Amenrliljg [1955. T.N. Act XXXVl
accrued or inc~rred,or anyremedy or proceeding in respect
thereof, or any release ~r discharge of or from any debt,
pendty, obligation, liability, claim or demand, or any
indemnity rrlready granted, or the proof of any past act
or thin9 ;
nor shall this Act affect any principle or rule of law, or
establishedjurisdiction, form or courseof pleading, practice
or procedure, or existing usage, custom, privil-ge, rbstric-
tfon ,axealption, office or appointment, notwithstanding
that the sirbme respectively may have been in any manner
affirmed, recognized or derived by: in or from any enact.
mant herebyhpealed ;
nor shill1 [he repeal by this Act of any enactment revive
OF restoro any jurisdiction ,office, custom, liability, right,
title, privilege restriction, exemption, usage, practice,
procedure or other matter or thing not now eristing
or in force

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