Forest, Rosewood Trees, Conservation

An Acr toprorl&, jur tl~ccon~ervatior01 rosewood frees iil the .yfotr old jur ~nott:,~-
t/lerewj/hor ancillary or inridfatal thereto. ,
WH~EA~ the population of rosewood trees are on the decline in view of
vast felling, remoyal, transport and sale of rosewood trees due to its increased
l,,,inet v;lluc rosultlng in the extinction of its species in the forests of Tamil
AhD \Y~E~E*~rOSeWOOdtree is one of the imp~tantw03.I spscieq $nil.i.~
ia the forests ot Southern India, especially in TadNadu :

  • – ,~
    regenerate except by natural growth ;
    A,D WHEREAS, under the existing provisions of law it k not possible to.arrss1
    the diminishing trend in the existence of rosewood trees in the sfate ;
    AND WHFRBAS,to conserve the existlng rosewood trees in the brest and in
    the interest of maintaining ths heritage of forest, it has bronc ne;sisary
    A~Dw~A the roscivood~,is a rare species which is almost imwa~si?rieto ,.. *+* ,dttq> , :,.*{ *:. to J; ~
    trees in the Stare lnlmedliltely ;
  • – u?;wo.
    1 t l-w,’?
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    enacted by the Legislative 4’oably of th: Stat; of Tdaii Naiu in the
    and duration.
    th= cutting, tslling, transport, Sale and POSS~SO~ of rosewood P, F~-~rth ~Year ~Jofthe Republic 01 India as fol!ows :- 12) 1, eh(.luS to the wohle of the State of Tamd wadu. L- 1 (1, This Ac( lnay be znlled the Tamil Nadu Rosewood ‘r’rees (Cons::- Short i,i,c,tt~, shall :omc iot id;c. onu; ana rema.~n 117 force tor .. -tt.r !,-. ,-,ct.lon) Act. 1994. ,.fifteenyears. (5) c:fiup) 1~-2EX.r77)-76 TAIAIL NADU Ci3VERN;dENT GAZbTTE EXTXAOKDINARY (4) Upoil 11;c cxpir) ot tl-is Att, the pro-,isions of section 8 ot tne clirr Taw!; Nadu ‘General Ci~usesAct, 1891 shall apply as if this Act had then Tarn11hadu ACL( 197 011891. I been; repealed by a Tan~ilYadu Act. (I) “10i~st” ~i;cludcs -+,aslror coniunallacd contain~ngt:ees, shrubs
    and roads, paqture irnd a~lci any othct class ot land declared by
    l~otificati~nb\ lhc Co\ernn;etit to be a torest.
    Explan~ticn.-For tl,e pc!~ccts of this clause “ccrnn~ui;al land” mear,r;-
    (i)beds a~dbui~dstftanks anc. of supply, draicrge, surplus or i.-rigariori
    channels ;
    (ii) threshing-floor, cattle-stands, village-sites and other lands wbch are
    set apart for the usc of tl:e villagers ;
    Prohibition of
    transport, sale
    Provided that dead or fallen rosencod tree may be renioved wlth the per-
    mision of the prescribed authority jn acccrcizr,ce with such rules as may be

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