Co-Operative Society, Crushing Season, Factory, Grower, Inspector, Occupier
of a Factory, Planting Season, Sugarcane Commissioner

hAct to provide for the’-lieensing of sugar factcries ad
regulating the supply hdthe prices of sugarcane used
in such factories and for other incidental matters.
W~it isexpedient S to provide for the licensing of
sugar factories and regulating the supply and the prices of
sugarcane used in such factories and for other incidental
matters 8 It is hereby enacted asfollows :-

  1. (1) This Act may be called the ‘[Tarnil Nadu] Sugar Short title*
  • Factories Control Act, 1949.
    extent and
    (2) It extends to the whole of the 8[Statc , of Tamil ment*
    (3) Thissection shallcomeintoforce itt once, and the
    Government may, fromtime totime, by notification, apply
    all or any of thi2 remaining provisions uf this Act to the
    whole or any portion of the ‘[State of Tan il Nzdu] from
    suchdate or daies as may be specifiedin the notification.

1These words cx?eresubstiiuieu lor the word “Madras ” by the
Tamil Nad~Adaptation of Laws Ordeb., 1968, as amenQed by the
Tad1Nadu Adaptation of Laws (Second Amendment) Order, 1969. ,
a For Statement r f Objects and Reasons: see Fort St. ~eor~e
Gazette, dated the 14th December 1948, Part I\;-A, page 434.
This Act was cxtctldcd to the merged Slalc of Pudukkottai by’
section 3 of, and the First Schedule to, the Madras Merged States
(Laws) Act, 1949 (Madrag Act XXX’of 1949).
All cesses imposed, assessed or collected ar purporting to have
Wnimposed, assessed or collected under this Act before thecornmen-
cement of the Sugarcane Cess (Validation) Act, 1961 (Central Act
38 of 1961) were validated by section 3’of the latter Act.


of all cessas by the Government under .
between the 1st March 1962 and the 27th
sive ) was validated by section 3 of .the
ess (Validation) Acrty 1963 (Tamil Nadu
8 This expression was substituted for the expression ‘$ St’ate of
Madras” by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws Order, 1969; as
amended by the Tamil Nadu Adaptation of Laws (bnd bend-
ment), Order, 1969.
12%-3-3~’i ,”
b&itiOna 2. Inthis Act, unless there is anything repugn
subject or ccntext-
(a; ‘Advisory Committee’ mans the C


constituted under section 3 ;
of sugarcane grown by its members];
(b) ‘crushing season ‘meansthe period beginning on
‘ the 1stNovernberinanyyearand endingonthe30th June
next following :
Provided that the Goverllment may, either generally
or in respect of any particular factory, by notification,
extend the period afcresaid beyond the 30th June ;
(c) ‘factcry ‘means any premises, including the ,
precincts thereof, whereinten or more workers areworking
or were working onanydayof thepreceding t welve months
and i~ ,ly part of which any manufacturing process $on-
uected with the production of sugar by means of vacuum
pans is being carfied on or is ordinarily carried on 4th
the aid of power ;
(d) ‘Government’ means the 8[State] Governmenti
(e) ‘Inspector ‘ means a person a
fnspectoi under section 5 ;
Cr) ‘notification ‘ means a notificati
the * Fort St. George Gatette ;

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