Co-Operative Society, Depositor, Goods, Licensed Warehouse, Receipt, Rules,
Warehouse, Warehouseman

An Act to provide for the regulation and lidensing of
warehouses in the 8[State of Tamil Nadu J.
WHEREASit is expedient to encourage the establishment of
warehouses and provide for their proper supervision and
control : It is hereby enacted as follo~vs:-
of the 8[fitate of Tamil
(3) This secti~nphn11 rome into force at once ;and
the rest of this Act shall come into force on such date*
as the Government may by notification appoint.
ealing the corresponding ,Definitions.

  1. In this Act. unless there is anything repugnaut in ..
    (1) ‘ co-operative society” meansa society registera a;
    (2) “depositor ” mansa person who has deposited ,”i
    goods with a warehousemmu, and includes any liawhl’
    holder of the receipt issued by the warehousemaninrespect *

of the goods ;

Schedule to this Act
(3) “goods nman~any of the artioles spccifiadin tb *
Provided 1:hat the Government may, by alas made “4
ulider this Act, add anyarticle to, or omit any ertif
the Schedule ;
I under this Act ;
(4) “Gowrnment ” mean’s the State Government ; ,q4
(5) “licensed warehouse ” means a warehou w 4
(6) “notification ” means a notihtinn nlthliQhd

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