Hostel, Teachers, University, University Grants Commission, University Library

ofTarnil University at’Thunjbvur. , . -. .r r.*
WHE~REASit is expedient that a University should be
formed exclusively for the Tannil language which has a
glorious and ancient literary and cultural tradition and
heritage and whose contribution in the areas of Prose,
poetry, Drama, Dw, Sculpture,. paintings,>Medic&,
Philosophy and other allied areas is far more extensive than
,. . . has been realised by the Jndiin Scholars till $odayg,r:’ ,:
AmWHEREASit i i desirable td.establi’& it ‘univ&sity of
unitary and residextial type for furthering the advmceqpnt
of learning and prlosccutionof.reseat& in Tamif -;’ *”.-

  • . Be it enacted by the legklature of the State of Taniil Nddu
    in the Thirty-third year of the Republic of India asffdl1ows:-
    .. .+
    .. , .
  • ,:.. ..\
    TAMIL. NADU& NO.9 OF 1982.*
    [Received the assent o/ the Governor on the 8th March
    1982 ; firat published in the Tamil Nadu Go&rnn&nt
    Gazette Zxtraordinary on. thk 9th MarJ 1982 (mi
    Shorttitto and 1. (1) This Admay ‘be L.olkd:.’the .Tamil: Univetdty
    .,..4 t-
    ~~m~llen~em~tr Act, 1982.
    (2) The section and :sectidns 2;.; 3,4,9; 10; -111′ $2,
    13, 14, 15, 17, 35, 43, 44, 45, 48 and 49 $hall-be deemed
    to have come into force Qn.the,l5tli’ day’of ‘. depte9$er
    1981and the rest of this Actxhall-oameinto force ” onWi~h date as the Government may, by notification, app’oiat~ ~efiniticns. 2. In this Act, unlessbthecoktkxt ptherivise r&dr&)- . . :hq
    (a) “Government “meansthedtatf. w . ,., .,. &ov&xi.merit …,.. ., , , ,..* ;
    .*: .-,$ n .. , k4;.
    (b) “hostel ” means a .’unit of res..dence for the
    students of the Universiiy maintained or recognised by
    the University in accordance with the provisions of this
    Act and includesa hostel recoj-i~das suchby the Univer-
    shy under this Act ;
    *Fjr S:atemznt of’ Objects and Reasons, see Tamil Nadu Govern-
    ment Gazette Extraordiriry, dated the 11th February 1987, Part 1V-
    S :ctiom 1, page 90.(c) “notified date” means the date specified in the
    notifichtion issued under sub-section (2) of section’ 1;
    (d) “prescribed ” means prescribed by this Act or
    the statutes ;
  • (e) “statutes ” means the statutes of the University
    made under this Act ;
    (f) “teachers “means Professors, Readers, Lecturerc,
    Tutors, Fellows and other like persons as may be declared
    by the statutes to be teachers ;

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